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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa


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Library (216)

Showing results 170 to 180
SLC map
General publications19 February 2021
Etude de cas Résilience et inter-consortia - Sahel et lac Tchad
SLC map
General publications19 February 2021
Etude de cas - Stabilisation au Mali - Sahel et lac Tchad
HOA map
General publications11 February 2021
Case study - Collaboration in cross-border areas - Horn of Africa
SLC map
General publications2 February 2021
2020 First semester monitoring report for the EUTF Sahel and Lake Chad region - Full report
SLC map
General publications14 January 2021
2020 First semester monitoring report for the EUTF Sahel and Lake Chad region - Annexes
2020 AR_EN
General publications18 December 2020
EUTF 2020 Annual Report (English)
SLC map
General publications14 December 2020
Mobility and conflict in Liptako-Gourma

Analysis prepared by Clingendael as part of the Research and Evidence Facility

NOA map
General publications14 December 2020
Migration Trends Across the Mediterranean: Piecing Together the Shifting Dynamics

Analysis prepared by Global Initiative and Clingendael as part of the Research and Evidence Facility

SLC map
General publications14 December 2020
The intersection of irregular migration and trafficking in West Africa and the Sahel: Understanding the Patterns of Vulnerability

Analysis prepared by Global Initiative and Clingendael as part of the Research and Evidence Facility

NoA map
General publications29 October 2020
Second monitoring report - North of Africa