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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa


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  • General publications
  • 1 December 2022
The pursuit of a livelihood: women migrant workers and gendered experiences of migration from Uganda to the gulf countries

Report prepared by the Research and Evidence Facility for the Horn of Africa

Authors: Zahara Nampewo, Hadijah Namyalo-Ganafa, Edgar Emmanuel Mugarura, Lavender M. Mboya

In the past ten years, there has been a surge in the number of Ugandan labour migrants (both high and low skilled) to the Gulf...

  • General publications
  • 15 December 2019
Un bilan de 60 ans de recherches en sciences sociales sur le religieux au Burkina Faso
  • General publications
  • 15 December 2019
A review of 60 years of scholarship on religions in Burkina Faso
  • General publications
  • 15 December 2019
Un bilan de 60 ans de recherches en sciences sociales sur le religieux au Burkina Faso
  • General publications
  • 24 April 2024
IMPACT Study Framing Brief

The Framing Brief provides a non-technical overview of the IMPACT study objectives, scope and architecture.

IMPACT is a study to evaluate how the assistance provided under the EU-IOM Joint Initiative Programme for Migrant Protection and Reintegration promotes the sustainable reintegration of the...

  • General publications
  • 24 April 2024
Using Natural Experiments in Crises: Lessons for Evaluation - IMPACT Study Report #5

Using Natural Experiments in Crises: Lessons for Evaluation - IMPACT Study Report #5

This report elaborates on the usefulness and potential for natural experiment-based evaluation approaches in contexts that are prone to shocks or in which shocks have already occurred. The report also provides...

  • General publications
  • 24 April 2024
IMPACT Study Report #3: Evaluability Review and Deep Dive Assessment of Community-based Reintegration Projects (CBRPs)

This report looks at the evaluability of the Community-Based Reintegration (CBR) initiatives undertook under the EU-IOM Joint Initiative in the Horn of Africa programme, and also provides a general framework for strengthening the evaluation of such type of activities in the future. The results from...

  • General publications
  • 24 April 2024
IMPACT Study Report #2: COVID-19, Returnees and IOM in the Horn of Africa: A Natural Experiment-based Evaluation.

This report focuses on a natural experiment-based evaluation conducted as part of the IMPACT study, to better illustrate the effects of the pandemic and other shocks on the wellbeing of returning migrants assisted under the EU-IOM joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in Ethiopia...

  • General publications
  • 24 April 2024
IMPACT Study Report #1: Returning Home: Evaluating the Impact of IOM’s Reintegration Assistance for Migrants in the Horn of Africa

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the findings of the IMPACT study across all of its components. It summarizes the analysis presented in the other IMPACT Study reports and technical resources, providing a general interpretation of the results.

IMPACT is a study to evaluate how the...

  • General publications
  • 15 March 2017
Migration and Conflict in the Horn of Africa: A Desk Review and Proposal for Research

Report prepared by the Research and Evidence Facility.

Population displacement and conflict are among the most significant contemporary problems facing the Horn of Africa. Political instability, economic deprivation, changing population dynamics, resource scarcity, and complex influences that travel...