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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa


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General publications15 February 2024
Factsheet: Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of the STEDE Project in Ethiopia

Factsheet: Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of the STEDE Project in Ethiopia

The STEDE project aims to improve the livelihoods of refugees and host communities in the Fafan zone, in the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia, by promoting economic and social inclusion.

To understand the impacts of...

General publications14 February 2024
Innovations for Resilience - A collection of lessons learned RESET plus, Ethiopia

Innovations for Resilience: a collection of key lessons from the RESET plus Programme

This brief is prepared as part of the documentation activities under the RESET Plus Innovation Fund programme, financed by the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa and implemented by Cordaid Ethiopia, in cooperation...

General publications7 February 2024
ahmaric thumbnail
General publications7 February 2024
Factsheet: Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of the STEDE Project in Ethiopia (AHMARIC)

The STEDE project aims to improve the livelihoods of refugees and host communities in the Fafan zone, in the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia, by promoting economic and social inclusion.

To understand the impacts of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), C4ED is conducting a counterfactual...

STEDE thumbnail
General publications7 February 2024
Fiche d'information : Évaluation d'impact contrefactuel du projet STEDE en Éthiopie

Le projet STEDE vise à améliorer les moyens de subsistance des réfugiés et des communautés d’accueil dans la zone Fafan, dans l’État régional somalien (Somali Regional State), en Éthiopie en favorisant l’inclusion économique et sociale.

Pour comprendre les impacts des associations villageoises d...

thumbnail uganda
General publications7 February 2024
Fiche d'information : Évaluation d'impact contrefactuel du projet RISE en Ouganda

Fiche d'information : Évaluation de l'impact contrefactuel du projet RISE en Ouganda.

Le projet Réponse à l'augmentation de la demande de services gouvernementaux et de création d'opportunités économiques en Ouganda (RISE) vise à renforcer les autorités locales et à améliorer les opportunités...

Thumbnail factsheet
General publications7 February 2024
Factsheet: Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of the RISE Project in Uganda

The Response to increased demand on Government Service and creation of economic opportunities in Uganda (RISE) project seeks to strengthen local authorities and improve economic opportunities of young people in host and refugee communities in the northern districts of Uganda.

A counterfactual impact...

Horn of Africa Infographic - Strategic Objective 4 Improved governance and conflict prevention
General publications26 January 2024
Horn of Africa Infographic - Strategic Objective 4 Improved governance and conflict prevention - June 2023

Output Indicators as of June 2023

Horn of Africa Infographic - Strategic Objective 3 Improved migration management
General publications26 January 2024
Horn of Africa Infographic - Strategic Objective 3 Improved migration management - June 2023

Output Indicators as of June 2023

Horn of Africa Infographic - Strategic Objective 2 Strengthening resilience of communities
General publications26 January 2024
Horn of Africa Infographic - Strategic Objective 2 Strengthening resilience of communities - June 2023

Output Indicators as of June 2023