The 2017 Annual report of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa has been adopted by the Operational Comittee on 2 March 2018. It outlines the current state of affairs and the achievements of the Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa (the EUTF for Africa) up to December 2017.
The Report provides an overview of the strategic orientations, implementation and results achieved in each of the three regions of the EUTF for Africa.
In 2017, the EUTF for Africa focused on deploying activities at country and regional level to address the compelling needs of African partner countries while further translating the Trust Fund’s strategic priorities into action. During the year, 40 new programmes have been approved in the three regions, bringing the total of approved programmes at the end of 2017 to 143 including three which operate across several regions. With EUR 900 million contracted, the implementation pace of the EUTF for Africa has significantly improved in 2017 bringing the overall amount of signed contracts to EUR 1.5 billion with implementing partners since the inception of the Trust Fund.
Two years after its inception at the Valletta Summit on Migration, held in November 2015, the EUTF for Africa has further demonstrated its added value as a quick and effective implementing tool that facilitates political dialogue with partner countries, covers new sectors, allows innovative approaches, produces results, and pulls and attracts funding, expertise and experience from a variety of stakeholders and partners.
Through its activities, the EUTF for Africa has been working actively in the three regions to limit the combined effects of worsened security conditions and long-lasting challenges such as demographic pressure, institutional weaknesses and extreme poverty.
Download it here:
2017 Annual Report - English version
- Publication date
- 21 March 2018
- Region and Country
- Cross-window
- Regional