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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
News article2 March 20181 min read

Collaboration in Cross-Border Areas of the Horn of Africa Region


The European Union promotes resilience and economic development in cross-border areas in the Horn of Africa - including Omo Valley-Turkana.

On 21-22 February 2018, all partners of the consortium met in Addis Abeba (Ethiopia) to coordinate and plan the implementation of the "Omo Delta Project", one of the 7 initiatives under the cross-border programme funded by the EU Trust Fund for Africa.

The "Omo Delta project project" will take place in Turkana and Marsabit in Kenya, and South Omo and Bench Maji in Ethiopia and its general objective is to increase stability in the area and promote economic development and greater resilience, particularly among youth, women and displaced people. It will be implemented by Veterinaires Sans Frontieres Germany (VSF-G) and five partner NGOs working in Ethiopia and Kenya (Mercy Corps Europe, VITA, EPaRDA, CIFA and TUPADO).


Publication date
2 March 2018
Region and Country
  • Regional Horn of Africa
  • Ethiopia
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • GIZ
  • Intergovernmental Authority on Development
  • United Nations Development Programme

Programmes in the region

The overall objective is to improve migration management in the region, and in particular to curb the trafficking of human beings and the smuggling of migrants within and from the Horn of Africa.

The specific objectives will be to collate, synthesize and disseminate the outcomes of existing and new research and evidence related to instability, irregular migration and forced displacement in the Horn of Africa; to communicate the outcomes of existing and new research and evidence to, and share

The specific objectives of the project are:(I) to support the process of adoption, ratification and domestication of the IGAD Protocols on Free Movement of Persons and on Transhumance by IGAD Member States upon their adoption by IGAD Council of Ministers, along with complementary measures to...