From 18 to 24 July 2018, representatives from Kenya and Ethiopia of the 6 NGOs implementing the project "Omo Delta" met in Addis Ababa to discuss and validate the baseline survey undertaken in the project area Turkana and Marsabit in Kenya and South Omo and Bench Maji in Ethiopia. The aim was to provide a robust guide to evidence-based programming and to establish benchmarks for changes resulting from project intervention. The Omo Delta project is one of the seven initiatives under the Cross-border Collaboration Programme funded by the EU Trust Fund for Africa.
The project started at the beginning of 2018 and is being implemented by Veterinarians Without Borders Germany and five partner NGOs working in Ethiopia and Kenya (Mercy Corps Europe, VITA, EPaRDA, CIFA and TUPADO). The general objective is to increase stability in the area and promote economic development and greater resilience, particularly among youth, women and displaced people. More specifically, the project has the overall goal of increasing the income of 45,000 families in the project area by EUR 600 by 2020.
- Publication date
- 30 July 2018
- Region and Country
- Ethiopia
- Kenya
- Thematic
- Strengthening resilience of communities