The intervention is part of the €50 million RE-INTEG Programme and promotes durable solutions for 26,600 people displacement affected community members in South West State of Somalia, including those affected by the drought.
In an event in Baidoa on the 11th of October, EU, the Government of South West, the Federal Minister of Planning, Investment and Economic Development and the South West State Solutions Consortium launched "Enhancing Integration of Displacement Affected Communities in Somalia - (EIDACS)" project worth the €5.5 million. The intervention is part of the €50 million RE-INTEG Programme and promotes durable solutions for 26,600 people displacement affected community members in South West State of Somalia, including those affected by the drought.
"In the effort to improve the resilience of the Somali people and promote durable solutions for displacement-affected communities, we count on the leadership of, and close collaboration with, the South West Authorities and the Federal Government of Somalia" - Susanne Martin, Head of Resilience Section, EU Delegation to Somalia.
"I urge all the implementing partners to fast-track the process to deliver solutions for the displacement-affected communities. We should all work together to reach those that have not been helped yet" - H.E. Gamal Hassan, Minister of Planning, Investment and Economic Development.
Durable solutions in response to urgent needs of host and IDP communities
The EIDACS project is providing long-term support to the urgent and medium to long term challenges of sustainable and durable integration of returnees and IDPs in Somalia and aims to anchor populations within the country. The projects will be implemented by four consortia members; Refugee Norwegian Refugee Council, Danish Refugee Council, Gargaar Relief and Development Organization and will be led by Concern Worldwide in South West State focusing on Baidoa, Afgoye and Merka.
Through the EIDACS project 26,600 people will benefit from increased access to education and vocational training, health and nutrition, water and hygiene, as well as shelter and housing. The project will also improve social cohesion, child protection and prevention of gender based violence.
- Publication date
- 23 October 2017
- Region and Country
- Somalia
- Thematic
- Improved migration management