Over the past five years, the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) has worked to improve the lives of the most vulnerable populations in the Sahel and Lake Chad region, the Horn of Africa, and North Africa, including those of refugees, internally displaced persons, vulnerable migrants and other marginalized communities.
The EUTF cooperates with many other stakeholders to develop income-generating activities and to create jobs, including for women and youth; to improve access to basic service, such as health, education, and sanitation; to support migrants and refugees in distress; and to participate in conflict prevention and peace building activities.
Please find here below two videos that are offering a glimpse into the activities financed by the EUTF and some of its major results in the Sahel and Lake Chad and Horn of Africa regions.
Sahel and Lake Chad video (available in both English and French):
Horn of Africa video (in English):
A longer version of the Horn of Africa video can be found here.
More information on the results of the EUTF in the Sahel and Lake Chad and Horn of Africa regions can be found here.
A virtual exhibition that displays the achievements of the EUTF can be seen here.
- Publication date
- 3 August 2021