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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
News article24 August 20181 min read

Hygiene & sanitation training: "It is challenging to promote these matters when children hail from families unable to meet basic needs”, head teacher at Somali primary sc

Every morning, Mohamed Abdi, head teacher of Daryel Primary School in Bossasso, welcomes his pupils at the school gates. Most of them hail from internally displaced (IDP's) and very poor families for whom, among many pressing struggles, there is an urgent need to access clean and safe/potable water, latrines and WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene related items), namely jerry cans for storage and transportation of water. “It is challenging to promote hygiene and sanitation among my pupils when most of them hail from destitute families unable to meet basic household needs” Mr. Abdi says as he sits down in his office after pupils are settled in class.

The student body had been having daily complaints about diarrhea related incidences. In addition, inadequate WASH infrastructures hamper the promotion of good hygiene and sanitation practices in the school. “The school has four operational latrines that caters for a population of 650 pupils and our main source of water is a berkad that is not regularly treated and remains unsafe for consumption,” laments Mr. Abdi.

Hence, the school body was glad to receive a hygiene and sanitation awareness training provided by ACTED through the Durable Solutions for IDPs and Returnees project. Pupils were trained on topics such as latrines use, handwashing and body cleanliness.


With continuing drought, influx of new IDPs and the risks of Acute Watery Diarrhea/cholera, WASH needs continue to rise in locations like Bossasso. The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa funds the Durable Solution for IDPs and Returnees in Somalia project which is part of the €50 million RE-INTEG Programme. The project contributes to the sustainable integration of IDP's, Somali returnees and refugees in Somalia to improve access to basic quality services giving them dignity and hope.



Publication date
24 August 2018
Region and Country
  • Somalia
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • CARE

Programmes in the region