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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
News article18 December 20191 min read

International Migrants Day 2019: Statement by the European Commission and the HR/VP

(c) Anne Mimault

On the occasion of International Migrants Day on 18 December, the European Commission and the High Representative made the following statement:

”Throughout its history, the European continent has been shaped, and continues to be shaped, by migration. Some people move in search of safety, new opportunities or a chance to reinvent themselves. Others are forced to escape conflict, persecution or environmental destruction. All migrants are entitled to the equal protection of their dignity and human rights.

On International Migrants Day, we stand strong in our unequivocal commitment to respect and protect the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants as well as to ensure that migration takes place in a safe, orderly and well-managed way.

The European Union pursues a comprehensive and sustainable approach to migration. We protect and stand up for those in need. We offer safe, managed and legal pathways. We provide support for successful integration. And, we fight the criminals, human traffickers and smugglers who take advantage of people's despair.

Effectively addressing migration requires global cooperation. To benefit from the opportunities that migration brings, we must work together on all its aspects. We must continue to build comprehensive partnerships with countries of origin, transit and destination. Equally, we will continue to cooperate strongly with civil society as well as regional and international organisations.

Openness and solidarity are core values of the European Union. Europe remains a top destination for the world's talent. It has always been and will remain a connected continent that embraces international mobility in a way that enables its societies to evolve for the better.”

On this occasion, the EU Trust Fund for Africa has produced a series of 3 videos. Local implementers and beneficiaries tell the support they provide to migrants, returnees and local communities through the EUTF.


Publication date
18 December 2019
Region and Country
  • Cross-window
  • Other

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