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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • News article
  • 2 March 2018
  • 1 min read

"When you go into the wild, you know your life is at stake: do or die"

HOA_ET_Chekole Mamo and his family - Copyright: European Union

"When you go into the wild, you know your life is at stake: do or die" witnessed Chekole Mamo, from Sekota, Ethiopia. Due to the droughts, Chekole was forced to migrate to support his wife and eight children. "Especially, Afar was a bad experience for me. I suffered harm and came back without money" continues Chekole.

Through the Resilience Building and Creation of Economic Opportunities in Ethiopia (RESET II) project, the European Union creates economic opportunities and strengthens the resilience of the most vulnerable. "We've gone through many hardships, but today we managed to put our children through school". Thanks to the project, Chekole has been able to diversify his livelihood: livestock, crop farming and petty trade. "I can always sell the offspring of my goats to get money for food and clothes for my children. I was penniless but I have been able to accumulate this wealth because of the support I received."

Now Chekole does not need to migrate to other areas since he is engaged in profitable occupations. "Al my efforts are for my children, I've got no land to give them, they have to go to school and be able to support themselves. That's what I strive for."

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Publication date
2 March 2018
Region and Country
  • Ethiopia
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • Action Contre la Faim
  • Save the Children
  • Danish Church Aid

Programmes in the region