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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

Better Migration Management Programme Phase II

The second phase of the Better Migration Management programme aims to improve the management of safe, orderly and regular migration in the region and support national authorities in addressing the smuggling of migrants and the trafficking in human beings within and from the Horn of Africa.

Main objectives

The expected specific objectives are:
1. Strengthening of national and regional migration governance thereby enhancing safe and regular migration in accordance with global and regional migration governance frameworks and human-rights standards.
2. Increase in national and cross-border cooperation on trafficking and smuggling cases between law enforcement, judicial and other state and non-state actors, in coordination with existing regional initiatives such as EUTF funded programs in support of the Khartoum Process (the Facility on Sustainable and Dignified Return and Reintegration, and the Regional Operational Center), and in accordance with international obligations and standards
3. Improvement of prevention of trafficking in persons and protection of victims of trafficking and vulnerable migrants at local, national and regional level.



EUR 30 000 000

BMM Phase II

Action Fiche

  • 2 MARCH 2023
t05-eutf-hoa-reg-78_BMM II
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Regional Horn of Africa
  • Improved migration management

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