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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

Fostering Smallholder Capacities and Access to Markets in Food Insecure Areas of Darfur

The overall objective of the project is to enhance the food and income security of smallholder farming households in Darfur. The specific objectives of the project are to: i) Increase household food availability by reducing pre-farm gate losses; ii) Empower smallholders to sell surplus grain at higher prices; iii) Strengthen capacity of smallholders and farmer’s groups to access markets and value chains.
This intervention represents a pilot approach aiming to develop a model for Post-Harvest Loss reduction in Darfur. Over 21,700 farmers are to be reached in each state targeted by this Action to ensure that the model developed can be tested, amended and replicated across the range of contexts that exist for smallholder farmers in Darfur. At least 40% of the direct beneficiaries will be women1 (feasibility will be verified during inception phase, based on the situation on the terrain). Indirect beneficiaries are estimated at 325,5002. Participation will be open to resident farmers, IDPs who have access to land and returnees (both former refugees and IDPs, currently estimated at 115,000 in South Darfur, 2,773 in West Darfur and 23,793 in Central Darfur) with the exact mix varying across localities and states and to be determined through applying the targeting criteria.The intervention logic assumes that rural development can address factors that compel people to move by creating business opportunities and jobs for young people. It can also lead to increased food security, more resilient livelihoods, better access to social protection, reduced conflict over natural resources and solutions to environmental degradation and climate change.
The geographical scope of the project focuses on South Darfur, West Darfur, and Central Darfur States. Indicatively the 11 following localities will be targeted: Nyala locality, Beleile, Al Salam and Gereida (South Darfur), Zoom, Zalengi, Muktar and Bendisi (West Darfur) Habila, Geneina and Krenick (Central Darfur).

Main objectives

The overall objective of the project is to enhance the food and income security of smallholder farming households in Darfur. The specific objectives of the project are to: i) Increase household food availability by reducing pre-farm gate losses; ii) Empower smallholders to sell surplus grain at higher prices; iii) Strengthen capacity of smallholders and farmer’s groups to access markets and value chains.


EUR 8 000 000

Fostering smallholders' capacity and access to markets in food insecure areas of Darfur

Action Fiche

  • 2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Improved migration management
  • World Food Programme

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