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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

Leather Initiative for Sustainable Employment Creation (LISEC) in Ethiopia

The overall objective of the action is to create greater economic and decent employment opportunities, especially for young men and women through the development of the Ethiopian leather industry in Modjo.

Main objectives

The specific objectives/ components of the action are as follows: (i) Advanced economic competitiveness by strengthening the leather value chain; (ii) Environmental protection by facilitating financial investments towards the establishment of an eco-friendly leather district in Modjo; and, (iii) strengthened social cohesion by supporting economic and social development initiatives for women and youth living in Modjo area and enhanced industrial and labour relations in the MLC.


People in Need 

EUR 5 750 000

Green Jobs in Leather Sector in Modjo


EUR 7,750,000

Leather Initiative for Sustainable Employment Creation

Action Fiche

2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • Improved governance and conflict prevention
  • People in Need
  • Government Of Ethiopia

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