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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

Monitoring and Learning System for the EUTF Horn of Africa

The overall objective of the programme is to use an evidence-based approach for programming and implementing interventions in the Horn of Africa region, as well as to inform policy around the themes of the EUTF in the region.

In May 2018, a top-up of €2 million was approved to further enhance the Monitoring and Learning System for the EUTF Horn of Africa.

This was followed by a second top-up of €2.9 million in March 2021, with the aim of extending the functioning of the programme until December 2024.

Main objectives

Specific Objective 1: to establish and implement a Monitoring and Learning System which monitors and reports on the overall progress of the EUTF Horn of Africa window against EUTF strategic objectives, Horn of Africa policy priorities and EUTF principles of interventions.
Specific Objective 2: to develop and implement a learning strategy based on detailed investigations into how and why individual projects or groups of projects are performing or not, and whether and how they confirm the theories of change underpinning the EUTF approach, in order to improve their delivery and also the design of future projects.
Specific Objective 3: to design and pilot8 a system of macro-level indicators of movement, vulnerability, stability and crises management capacity at the national and regional level against which to realistically frame the EUTF (and other similar EU) interventions; inform future EU programming and policy making; and ultimately track the joint impact of the EUTF HoA projects at the regional level through a top-down approach.


Altai Consulting

EUR 1 949 000

Monitoring and Learning System for the EUTF Horn of Africa

Action Fiche

  • General publications
  • 7 November 2024
Action Document: T05-EUTF-HOA-REG-28
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Regional Horn of Africa
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • Improved governance and conflict prevention
  • Improved migration management
  • Strengthening resilience of communities
  • Altai Consulting

More news and stories on the region

Fruit and vegetable producers are trained on good agricultural practices. ©ITC/Peter Caton
  • News article

On World Youth Skill Day, Catherin, a young entrepreneur, shared how the project “Jobs Creation and Trade Development Project”, financed by the EU Trust Fund for Africa, helped her to develop her business activity. 

  • 2 min read
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • South Sudan
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • Strengthening resilience of communities
  • ITC - International Trade Center
Naduku Reida giving training on digitalization, SUPREME Project ©Publication by the European Union
  • News article

On the occasion of World Refugee Day, we shine a light on the situation in Uganda and highlight the impact of four Trust Fund projects in refugee hosting districts. 

  • 4 min read
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Uganda
  • World Vision
  • Uganda Biodiversity Trust Fund
  • Save the Children
  • ENABEL - Belgian Development Agency
EU Poster
  • News article

Check out the dynamic social media campaign showcasing EUTF-funded projects transforming energy access, services, and safety for refugees and host communities on World Refugee Day (20th June)!

  • 4 min read
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Ethiopia
  • Improved migration management
  • Strengthening resilience of communities