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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

OutReach – Support to education of children and young people in South Sudan, in particular in hard to reach areas

In support of the September 2018 revitalised peace agreement, this project will contribute to strengthening the education sector in hard to reach areas in South Sudan. It aims to increase the primary and secondary education opportunities for 87,500 children in hard to reach areas of South Sudan by motivating and assisting teachers trough training and incentives, and by strengthening public education governance, policy development and human resources information management.

Main objectives

The overall objective is to contribute to improving equal access for girls and boys to quality primary and secondary education in safe learning environments in South Sudan.

The specific objectives are:

1. To increase the number of qualified teachers in hard to reach areas;
2. To increase efficiency and effectiveness of public education delivery.




EUR 14 700 000

Outreach - Support to education in hard to reach areas in South Sudan


Action Fiche 

General publications18 July 2023
Action Document Outreach



Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Strengthening resilience of communities

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