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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

Research and Evidence Facility

The overall purpose of the action is to fill knowledge gaps about the causes and drivers of instability, including violent conflict, irregular migration, forced displacement at regional, national and local levels, capture lessons learned, generate evidence of impact, and feed this knowledge into operational, programming policy and political practice. Evidence will be used to inform a wide variety of stakeholders such as relevant government bodies, regional organisations, other donors, implementing partners and civil society. All REF research outputs are available on the SOAS University of London website. Manchester University also collaborates to the Research and Evidence Facility

With the aim of continuing the ongoing research by the Research and Evidence Facility in a second phase, a €2.5 million top-up to this action was approved in December 2018.

Main objectives

The specific objectives will be to collate, synthesize and disseminate the outcomes of existing and new research and evidence related to instability, irregular migration and forced displacement in the Horn of Africa; to communicate the outcomes of existing and new research and evidence to, and share knowledge amongst, all concerned stakeholders; and to strengthen the ability of key stakeholders to better use an evidence-based approach.


School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

EUR 3 965 424

Research and Evidence Facility (SOAS)

EUR 2 957 636

Research and Evidence Facility II - Phase III

Action Fiche

  • 2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Regional Horn of Africa
  • Other
  • International Migration Institute, University of Oxford
  • Sahan Research
  • School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

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