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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

Technical Cooperation Facility for South Sudan

Technical Cooperation Facility for South Sudan

Considering the heterogeneity of the potential actions to develop, there are not a precise number of contracts or technical support to undertake. They will be limited by the nature of the projects, the programme priorities and the funds available in the facility. So, there is not a quantitative target to achieve (indicator) but a qualitative target in terms of pertinence, proportionality and relevance. The Action will contribute to the identification of priorities and the formulation process (with particular attention to their sustainability), including the realisation of the necessary technical and feasibility studies. it will also perform sector studies, trainings, reviews and evaluations are produced and regularly updated to ensure EU programme quality, knowledge sharing and capacity building as the foundations of the national policy dialogue and strategy planning. The Action will focus on studies related to the main areas of EU cooperation with South Sudan, i.e. education, health, rural development / food security and agri-food systems, conflict sensitivity and mitigation, rule of law and support to implementation of the ARCISS, economic governance and migration/refugees as common thread. In addition, cross cutting issues assessment and other subjects of interest may be explored (pipeline), e.g. gender, climate change, renewable energy, private sector development, infrastructures, etc. Finally, sectoral Technical Assistance is provided to the key stakeholders, including South Sudanese at all levels of Government and civil society, of the main issues regarding EU development cooperation.

The approval of a top-up of €1 million in December 2019 will ensure continuity in delivering technical support for programmes implemented in the country.

Main objectives

The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to an efficient and effective use of the development funds the EU implements in South Sudan, focusing also on the transition and/or complementarity between the humanitarian response and the medium-long term development response.
The specific objective is to cover the preparation of activities necessary for the sound implementation of financial resources managed by the European Commission. It also aims to provide complementary support to on-going actions, as well as to support the identification and formulation of new actions (including joint humanitarian-development ones if possible) of interest for EU engagement in South Sudan. Moreover, support to International Organisations and relevant entities in all sectors of EU development cooperation may be provided. To the extent feasible and depending on the evolution of the political situation, the project could promote and mainstream good-governance practices into line ministries. Finally, the facility might conduct studies, research and training, organise ad hoc events, and will ensure proper communication thereof.


Integrate Tomasz Iwanow Ltd

EUR 354 500

Support in the implementation of South Sudan's East African Community (EAC) provisions

Action Fiche

  • 2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Strengthening resilience of communities

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