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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

Wadi El Ku Integrated Catchment Management Project (Phase 2)

The second phase of UN Environment’s Wadi El Ku Catchment Management Project will continue to demonstrate how effective and inclusive natural resource management, based on UN Environment’s experience in Sudan of Integrated Water Resources Management and Community Based Natural Resources Management, can improve relationships over natural resources, therefore contributing to peace in a conflict affected region of Sudan, and improve livelihoods through enabling sustainable increases in agriculture and related value chain productivity. Participating communities will achieve sustainable increases in agricultural and related value-chain production through the rehabilitation and improved management of land, forest and water resources. This model can be scaled up and replicated elsewhere in Darfur and Sudan.
Concretely, the project will continue to grow and refine a catchment management system in the project area, which brings government and communities together for joint decision making over natural resources. The project will also take actions that open up and improve livelihood options and practices for farmers, agro-pastoralists and pastoralists living in or migrating through Wadi El Ku near El Fasher. It will help these communities to better manage their soil, water and forest resources, and to address the growing soil erosion and land degradation problem in the area. In addition, the project

Main objectives

This project will:
• Support the development of inclusive natural resource management systems and structures within the Wadi El Ku, that are informed by appropriate levels of scientific and technical analysis and input;
• Support community-level agricultural and livelihoods adaptation, and improved local natural resource management practices; and
• Build institutional and organizational capacities needed to understand the dynamics of the change processes, reach agricultural producers, and implement and replicate successful integrated natural resource management.


United Nations Environment Programme

EUR 10 000 000

Wadi El Ku Integrated Catchment Management Project (Phase 2)

Action Fiche

  • 2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • Strengthening resilience of communities
  • United Nations Environment Programme

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