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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

Our Programmes

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Our Programmes (39)

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L’objectif global du programme est de contribuer à une migration sure, sans risque, légale et ordonnée en Tunisie et contribuer à une gestion de la migration fondée sur les droits. Plus concrètement l’Action vise à renforcer la protection des personnes migrantes en situation de...

Project locations
Region and Country
  • North of Africa

L’objectif global du programme est de contribuer à une migration sure, sans risque, légale et ordonnée en Tunisie et contribuer à une gestion dela migration fondée sur les droits. Cet objectif sera atteint en cohérence avec les priorités en matière de migration en Tunisie..

Project locations
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Expertise France

Ce programme vise à améliorer la prévention du racisme et de la xénophobie vers la population migrante au Maroc ainsi qu'à améliorer la communication entre sphères publiques et les citoyens, y compris les personnes migrantes, afin de répondre à la pauvreté et l’exclusion, le tout articulé autour ...

Project locations
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Improved migration management
  • Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation

Objectifs Spécifiques : 1) opérationnaliser la Stratégie Nationale Migratoire de la Tunisie, en appuyant les institutions tunisiennes concernées, sa mise en œuvre et suivi et appuyer l'Institut National de Statistique pour la conduite d'une enquête statistique qualitative auprès des ménages sur.

Project locations
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Improved migration management
  • Agence Française de Développement
  • Expertise France
  • GIZ

The specific objectives are to: 1) improve reception of migrants upon disembarkation; 2) ensure minimum decent living standards in targeted detention centres; 3) improve and scale up voluntary humanitarian return (VHF) and reintegration; 4) strengthen migration data and communication on migration...

Project locations
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Improved migration management
  • International Organization for Migration
  • IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre

Specific objectives: 1) Ensure sustainable systems/programmes are established and enhanced to effectively deliver inclusive services, support social cohesion, and address potential tensions between host and displaced communities; 2) provide members of migrant and host communities with greater...

Project locations
Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Regional North of Africa
  • Improved migration management
  • Save the Children
  • International Organization for Migration
  • Médecins Du Monde france

The specific objectives of the programme are to: 1) improve access of refugees, migrants, asylum seekers, IDPs and host communities to basic services including protection9, health and psychosocial support, which enables them become more resilient and allows moving towards durable solutions; and 2)..

Project locations
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Improved migration management
  • International Medical Corps
  • Danish Refugee Council

Le premier programme multivolets entre l'Afrique du Nord et le Sahel/lac Tchad visera à renforcer la coopération Sud-Sud en matière de migration par le soutien à la mise en œuvre de protocoles d’entente entre le Maroc et le Sénégal, la Côte d’Ivoire et le Mali.

Project locations
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Improved migration management
  • GIZ

The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to improved, rights-based migration governance at local level in cities of the 5 Countries of the North of Africa region and two cities from Middle East16, notably through partnership with cities in Europe, with a specific focus on...

Project locations
Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Regional North of Africa
  • Improved migration management

The proposed action responds to the effects of the ongoing instability and difficult socioeconomic conditions of migrants, refugees and host communities in Libya. It aims to respond to current concerns with regards to protection of vulnerable populations in Libya, especially migrants and refugees...

Project locations
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Improved migration management
  • United Nations Development Programme
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • International Organization for Migration
  • GIZ