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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa


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Showing results 160 to 170
SLC map
General publications25 June 2021
2020 Second Semester Monitoring Report for the Sahel and Lake Chad Region - Annexes
SLC map
General publications25 June 2021
2020 Second Semester Monitoring Report for the Sahel and Lake Chad Region - Full Report
EUTF map
General publications12 April 2021
Learning Lessons from the EUTF - Executive Summary
EUTF map
General publications12 April 2021
Learning Lessons from the EUTF - Full Report
NoA map
General publications12 April 2021
3rd monitoring report for the EUTF North of Africa region
2020 AR_FR
General publications16 March 2021
EUTF 2020 Annual Report (Français)
EUTF map
General publications24 February 2021
Mid-term review of the EUTF for Africa - Final report
EUTF map
General publications24 February 2021
Mid-term evaluation of the EUTF for Africa_responses of the services
EUTF map
General publications24 February 2021
Mid-term evaluation of the EUTF for Africa_2015-2019_final report_summary.pdf
EUTF map
General publications23 February 2021
Mid-term evaluation of the EUTF for Africa_annexes