The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF for Africa) was launched by European and African partners at the Valletta Summit on Migration in November 2015. On 12 November 2015, the Constitutive Agreement to officially establish the EUTF for Africa, was signed by the European Commission, 25 EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland.
In December 2020, the Constitutive Agreement of the EUTF for Africa was amended to extend the end date of the Trust Fund to 31 December 2021.
Since 1 January 2022, the EUTF for Africa is not funding new programmes. Programmes approved before this date will continue being implemented until up to 31 December 2025.
The EUTF for Africa was established to deliver an integrated and coordinated response to the diverse causes of instability, irregular migration and forced displacement. We aim to deliver concrete results in a rapid and effective manner across these areas of focus.
The EUTF for Africa provides a new impetus for EU cooperation on migration by creating a platform to reinforce political engagement and dialogue with partner countries in Africa, pooling together EU and other donors’ resources, and enlarging the EU evidence base to better understand the drivers and dynamics of migration.
The EUTF for Africa also undertakes to build a comprehensive approach to support all aspects of stability, security and resilience, aiming at addressing the conditions that could be conducive to violence and destabilisation, and supporting governments in their efforts to improve security.
Please consult the Annual Reports of the EUTF for Africa for an overview of activities implemented.
Who does the EUTF for Africa support?
The EUTF for Africa supports vulnerable and marginalised population groups at the forefront. Principal target beneficiaries include migrants and forcibly displaced people, their origin and host communities, and victims of trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling. Potential migrants, and notably women and young people are strongly supported by a large range of actions.
At institutional level, national and local authorities, civil society groups and community-based organisations also benefit from EUTF for Africa actions and play a crucial role in the identification and implementation of programmes. They also benefit from support through capacity building and training activities.
Please consult the Strategic Orientation document of the EUTF for Africa for more information.
The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF for Africa) has two governing bodies: the Strategic Board and the Operational Committee.
The Strategic Board sets the global strategy of the EUTF for Africa, meeting at least once per year. The Operational Committee adopts the actions to be implemented on the ground, and meets at separate sessions for each of the three geographical regions.
Both bodies are chaired by the European Commission and are composed of representatives of the European External Action Service (EEAS), EU and non-EU donors (as full members), and representatives of the concerned African partner countries and regional organisations (as observers), who are invited to actively participate at both levels.
The main responsibilities of the Strategic Board include:
- Adopting and reviewing the strategy of the EUTF for Africa;
- Adjusting the geographical and thematic scope of the EUTF for Africa in reaction to constantly evolving issues;
- Deciding upon amendments to the guiding document establishing the internal rules of the EUTF for Africa.
The main responsibilities of the Operational Committee include:
- Reviewing and approving actions to be financed by the EUTF for Africa;
- Supervising the implementation of actions funded by the EUTF for Africa;
- Approving the annual report and annual accounts for transmission to the Strategic Board.
The EUTF for Africa is managed by the European Commission in its capacity as Trustee. For each region, the Commission has appointed a Manager, whose role is to:
- Act as Secretariat of the Strategic Board and the Operational Committee;
- Implement actions, either directly or indirectly (by delegating implementation tasks to partners);
- Draw up an Annual Report and, together with the Accounting Officer, prepare provisional and final accounts, financial reports and disbursement forecasts;
- In specific circumstances, Managers also have the discretion to approve actions below the minimum threshold of EUR 10 million within the limits of the uncommitted resources available to the Trust Fund. Managers must inform the Operational Committee immediately of any decision made under this delegated authority.
The Board and the Operational Committees are composed of representatives from:
- EU institutions: European Commission as chair and European External Action Services as member
- EU Member States and other donors: as members
- Partner countries: as observers
- Regional organisations: as observers

Annual Reports of the EUTF for Africa
To consult the EUTF annual reports since 2016, please visit our library page.
Minutes of EUTF Board meetings
To consult the minutes of former board meetings, please visit our library page.
- 10th Board Meeting
- 9th Board Meeting