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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
News article19 December 20184 min read

2nd Steering Committee meeting of the EU Trust Fund for Africa Programme "Managing mixed migration flows in Libya through expanding protection space and supporting local


Tunis, 13 December 2018 – On Friday 7 December, Libyan Deputy Minister of Interior, together with representatives of Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Planning and Local Governance joined the Ambassador of the European Union to Libya, together with representatives of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) for the 2nd Steering Committee meeting of the Programme "Managing mixed migration flows in Libya through expanding protection space and supporting local socioeconomic development". The three-year programme, adopted in April 2017, funded by the European Union with €90 million in the framework of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, aims to reinforce protection and resilience of migrants, refugees and local communities along the migration routes in Libya, while supporting an improved migration management along the migration routes in the country. The programme is articulated around two Pillars: 1) The Protection Pillar aims at increasing the protection space for migrants, refugees and host communities in Libya through both scaling up relevant capacities and provision of assistance. 2) The Pillar ‘Local governance and socio-economic development' aims at fostering socio-economic development at municipal level and support local governance, in order to better assist migrants and refugees, and to stabilize host communities. Libyan authorities, the European Union and implementing partners convened in the second Steering Committee to discuss: 1) the implementation progress of the interventions of the implementing partners; 2) conflict sensitivity support provided to the partners through an IcSP financed project via Peaceful Change Initiative 3) discuss the challenges for migration management in Libya and, in particular, how the programme is addressing these challenges; 4) and, finally, to discuss new migration routes together with the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime.“Migration management is our joint endeavour. It is as important for the EU as it is for Libya. To this end, the EU works tirelessly to support protection and assistance in Libya and address the situation of migrants and refugees, as well as internally displaced persons» stated the European Union’s Ambassador to Libya, Mr. Alan Bugeja."I recognise all the efforts the European Union and the implementing partners are doing through the projects presented today. In 2019 we have to be stronger partners, we need your support in order to implement Libyan strategy: Prioritisation of migration issues and reinforcement of the southern borders of Libya" said Mr. Mohamed Al Shibani, Deputy Minister of Interior for Illegal Migration of Libya; "I am glad to hear the support given through these projects for diminishing the burden of migrants on Libya. To augment these achievements, it will be essential to increase the coordination between our efforts with the ones of the International Community, through the adopted mechanism of the mixed migration working group" commented Mr. Luai Turjiman, Chair of Migration Working Group, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Libya. Since May 2017, partners under this programme have been working intensively to support Libya in dealing with the most challenging task to reinforce protection and resilience of migrants, refugees and local communities along the migration routes in Libya, while supporting an improved migration management along the migration routes in the country. IOM has been focusing foremost on saving migrant lives while, in parallel, working to stabilize the country through continued collaboration and support from the Libyan government. IOM ensures a cohesive and integrated approach to protection and sustainable assistance to vulnerable and stranded migrants through a multifaceted-approach that encompasses Labour Migration Management, Health, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Protection and Voluntary Humanitarian Return Assistance, as well as Community Stabilization. In 2018, UNHCR registered 57,702 refugees and asylum seekers, provided over 31,000 medical consultations and evacuated over 2,000 persons of concern out of Libya. In addition 57,000 Internally Displaced Persons and returnees received assistance. With GIZ support, the Ministry of Local Governance is being strengthened to facilitate an inclusive process in developing the decentralization strategy. To date, an agreement has been made to devolve five key functions to municipalities. Furthermore, regulations to activate the local government law 59/2012 have been issued by the Ministry. At the municipality level: 10 women development and training centers are in the process of being established, rehabilitated, and equipped. Institutional models to manage/operate the centers have been prepared. UNDP under the "Strengthen Local Capacities for Resilience and Recovery" project in Libya has rehabilitated 11 public facilities, is working on 11 more, and has delivered 17 sets of equipment for the Municipalities of Benghazi, Al Kufra, Murzuq, Sebha and Sabratha, where 1.7 million people are already able to benefit from the project’s activities. UNICEF is working to provide appropriate and safe learning environment for children and improving the quality of child protection services through the provision of Psycho-Social support and referrals to specialized services in the targeted municipalities. Additionally, UNICEF is supporting water, sanitation and hygiene programmes as well as procuring and distributing nutrition supplies to prevent nutrition associated morbidity and mortality. For more information please contact: Ali El Asmar, EU Delegation Press Officer, email: ali [dot] el-asmarateeas [dot] europa [dot] eu (ali[dot]el-asmar[at]eeas[dot]europa[dot]eu) Maya Abu Ata, IOM Media Focal Point Public Information Officer, email: mabuataatiom [dot] int (mabuata[at]iom[dot]int) Hilaria Espin, UNDP Communication Officer, email: hilaria [dot] espinatundp [dot] org (hilaria[dot]espin[at]undp[dot]org) Paula Barrachina, UNHCR Senior External Relations Officer, email: barrachiatunhcr [dot] org (barrachi[at]unhcr[dot]org) Mostafa Omar, UNICEF Communication Specialist, email: mosomaratunicef [dot] org (mosomar[at]unicef[dot]org) Kim Salmutter, GIZ Communication officer, email: kim [dot] salmutteratgiz [dot] de (kim[dot]salmutter[at]giz[dot]de)


Publication date
19 December 2018
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Improved migration management
  • GIZ
  • International Organization for Migration
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • United Nations Development Programme

Programmes in the region