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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
News article24 April 20201 min read

The EUTF and its partners launch the Youth & COVID-19 Survey to hear, understand and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on the Global Youth!

The EUTF and its partners launch the Youth & COVID-19 Survey: answers help to understand and mitigate the COVID-19 impact on the Global Youth!

To bring youth voices to the forefront of action and policy responses, the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth (DJY) and its partners including the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, the International Labour Organization, the UN Major Group for Children and Youth, AIESEC, the European Youth Forum, and the United Nations Human Rights Office are conducting a survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth rights, with a focus on employment and education.

The survey will focus on four main areas:

- How the outbreak affects young people’s employment and learning situation and aspirations.

- Effects on psychological well-being and mental healthYoung people’s engagement in social activism and volunteerism

- Youth opinions on policy responses taken so far and expectations on the role of the authorities.

This includes their own proposals, or those of the organizations that represent them, on how to protect the labour market prospects of young people during and after the crisis.

The survey targets young people from all regions, countries, and backgrounds; those actively engaged in economic activities across sectors and industries; as well as those that are in school and those not in employment, education and training (NEET).

The survey results will be shared widely to help inform our constituents and Decent Jobs for Youth partners as they navigate these unprecedented times with a profound commitment to protect young people, their rights, voices and opportunities for decent work.The survey is available in 17 languages and closes on 21 May 2020.

Take the survey now and let your voices be heard by decision-makers across the globe, including a community of youth organisations & United Nations entities!

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at [insert organisation contact details if you prefer] or the Decent Jobs for Youth team at decentjobsforyouthatilo [dot] org (decentjobsforyouth[at]ilo[dot]org).



Publication date
24 April 2020
Region and Country
  • Cross-window
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • OIT - ILO - Organisation Internationale du Travail - International Labour Organization

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