"My future plan is to expand my farm" - European Union Skip to main content
Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • News article
  • 21 March 2018
  • 1 min read

"My future plan is to expand my farm"


“When we lost everything we had, starting all over again was tough” says Hussein Wabari from Aysha, Ethiopia. This father of five lost all his livestock to droughts. “Before our children had anaemia. They were severely affected by the droughts and the travelling. Now they are relaxed and they eat what we produce at the farm” continues Hussein.

Hussein has benefited from the irrigation scheme supported by the government (PSNP) and the EU Resilience Building and Creation of Economic Opportunities in Ethiopia (RESET II) programme. “Agriculture is our main source of income. 471,174 men and women have received food security-related assistance from the EU RESET II programme. “Today we have planted all the food that we and the livestock need. If droughts come, we are ready to cope with it,” says Hussein whose new income allows him to sustain his family. "Now we have sent our children to school. Their expenses, their pens, their books are covered by the farm earnings."

Women perform important day-to-day tasks that are recognised in their communities. “The women not only do the farming, they also cook food and fetch water, besides all of their other regular activities” witnesses Hussein. Now they want to help themselves to make their dreams come true. “My future plan is to expand my farm and take other forward steps” concludes Hussein with a smile.

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Publication date
21 March 2018
Region and Country
  • Ethiopia
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • Action Contre la Faim
  • Save the Children
  • Danish Church Aid

Programmes in the region