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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • News article
  • 10 December 2020
  • 1 min read

Providing children in Libya with an opportunity to learn and study in a safe environment


348,000 children in Libya are in need of humanitarian aid, estimates our partner UNICEF Libya, whether it be food, health care or access to education. Many schools were damaged or destroyed during the Libyan conflict or had to close due to ongoing fighting. In 2020, COVID-19 made things even worse and thousands of children are at risk of falling behind in their education.

The European Union through the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa is working with UNICEF to provide children in Libya with an opportunity to learn and study in a safe environment. On 8th December 2020, the EU Delegation to Libya paid a visit to the Baity Center in Suq al-Jumaa, where hundreds of girls and boys can attend class, receive books and other learning materials, and have access to computers. The center also offers a range of online classes so the kids can continue learning while staying safe during the coronavirus pandemic.


Publication date
10 December 2020
Region and Country
  • Libya
  • Improved migration management

Programmes in the region