Monitoring and Learning - European Union
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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

Monitoring and Learning

What is our approach?

Our decision-making is informed by regular monitoring and evaluation of our programmes.

To measure the collective achievements of its programmes, the EUTF for Africa has developed an innovative and reactive Monitoring system which provides results for ongoing programmes and measures progress at regional level.

Through a set of indicators, the reports measure precisely the progress achieved against the EUTF strategic objectives and regional priorities, by country and thematic. It therefore allows stakeholders to learn collectively from its results.

The MLS complements the monitoring frameworks for each projects as well as the regular tools used by the European Commission such as Results-Oriented missions (ROM) detailed below. Ultimately, it enhances the transparency, flexibility and speed of EUTF activities.

The evidence gathered through these processes allows us to best steer our actions on the ground and identify where we should focus our efforts, which target groups should be prioritised, and which approaches work best. We do this to ensure maximum transparency and accountability on all our actions.

Monitoring and evaluation are conducted at three levels: at the level of each project, of each region, and of the EU Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF for Africa) as a whole.

To consult evaluations conducted in the EUTF, please visit this page.

At the level of each project

We continue to use EU best practices, resources, and tools to monitor and evaluate our actions. Each project has a specific budget set aside for continuous monitoring and evaluation, by implementing partners and EU Delegations (internally), and by independent experts (externally.)

To ensure transparency, we use the publicly available Akvo Really Simple Reporting platform to present, on a regular basis, the expected and actual results of our projects according to each action's specific indicators.

The EU Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) system is another important tool. It consists of short visits by independent experts who assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, potential impact, and sustainability of each project. Most interventions under the EUTF for Africa will receive ROM missions. As of July 2023, 208 EUTF for Africa projects covering all three regions of the EUTF for Africa were selected for ROM reviews.

In parallel, mid-term and/or final evaluations of projects are undertaken to offer further guidance and to capitalise on lessons learnt and best practices.

At the level of each region

Beyond programme-specific monitoring and evaluation, we also aim to capture information demonstrating whether priorities identified at the level of each region are being properly addressed. Considering the distinctive remit and innovative approach of the EUTF for Africa, it is also crucial that our actions quickly assimilate lessons learnt, and share best practices.

Horn of Africa
  • Monitoring Reports

To consult Horn of Africa's monitoring reports prior 2021, please visit our library page.

  1. 2024 monitoring reports

    First semester monitoring report 

    Full report   Annexes 

  2. 2023 monitoring reports

    Annual Monitoring Report for the EUTF Horn of Africa region

    Full report Annexes

    First semester monitoring report

    Full report Annexes

  3. 2022 monitoring reports

    Annual Monitoring Report for the EUTF Horn of Africa region

    Full report Annexes

    First semester monitoring report

    Full report Annexes

  4. 2021 monitoring reports

    First semester monitoring report for the EUTF Horn of Africa region

    Full report Annexes

    Second semester monitoring report for the EUTF Horn of Africa region

    Full report Annexes

  • Infographics by Strategic Objective
  • Studies
  1. Case study on resilience

    Case study of a resilience programme based on an integrated approach (RESET II)


  2. Case study conflict prevention

    Case study - Lessons learned from a consortium approach to stability and conflict prevention in Kenya


  3. Case study cross-border areas

    Case study of Regional Programme Collaboration in Cross-Border areas of the HOA region


  4. Lessons learned from CRRF

    Lessons learned from the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and EUTF projects in HOA

    Lesson learned

  5. Case study migration - IGAD

    Case study on the IGAD’s work on migration in the Horn of Africa


  6. Case study on the ETM

    Case study on the Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM)


  7. Regional report migration 2022

    State of Migration Governance in 21 countries of the Horn of Africa and Sahel and Lake Chad 

    Countries covered: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, The Gambia and Uganda. 


  • Horn of Africa monitoring and learning system

For more information, consult the monitoring and learning system for the EUTF Horn of Africa region.


Sahel & Lake Chad
  • Monitoring Reports

To consult Sahel and Lake Chad's monitoring reports prior 2021, please visit our library page.

  1. 2024 monitoring reports

    First Semester Monitoring Report for the Sahel and Lake Chad Region

    Full Report Annexes

  2. 2023 monitoring reports

    Annual Monitoring Report for the Sahel and Lake Chad Region

    Full Report Annexes

    Rapport de suivi annuel pour la région Sahel et Lac Tchad

    Rapport complet


    First Semester Monitoring Report for the Sahel and Lake Chad Region

    Full Report Annexes

  3. 2022 monitoring reports

    Annual Monitoring Report for the Sahel and Lake Chad Region

    Full report Annexes


    First Semester Monitoring Report for the Sahel and Lake Chad Region

    Full Report Annexes

  4. 2021 monitoring reports

    Annual Monitoring Report for the Sahel and Lake Chad Region

    Full report Annexes

    Rapport de suivi annuel pour la région Sahel et Lac Tchad

    Rapport complet Annexes


    First Semester Monitoring Report for the Sahel and Lake Chad Region

    Full Report Annexes

    Rapport de suivi premier semestre pour la région Sahel et Lac Tchad

    Rapport complet Annexes

  • Infographics by Strategic Objective
  • Studies
  1. Case study stabilisation Mali

    Appui à la stabilisation au Mali : enjeux et perspectives

    Etude de cas


  2. Case study on resilience

    Les mécanismes d'inter-consortia comme modalité de gestion de programmes de résilience au Sahel

    Etude de cas


  3. Case study on anti-trafficking

    Anti-trafficking initiatives in the Gulf of Guinea

    Review of EUTF SLC's portfolio on anti-trafficking in the Gulf of Guinea

    Case study


  4. Final Reports TPML

    Final Reports Third-Party Monitoring and Learning Mechanism (TPML)




  5. Returning Migrants

    Returning Migrants’ Economic Reintegration: Mapping of Key Stakeholders and Potential Partnerships Across West Africa & Ethiopia

  6. Farmers and herders

    Case study Farmers and herders conflicts

    How can projects in the Sahel and Lake Chad region support the prevention and resolution of farmer-herder conflicts?



  7. ‘Triple nexus' case study

    Case study Operationalising the ‘triple nexus’

    This case study provides an overview of the humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) nexus, or ‘triple nexus’, in the geographic regions that are relevant to the EUTF

  8. FMM case study

    Support to Free Movement of Persons and Migration in West Africa. Case study on a key EU migration governance programme

    English version

    French version

  9. Regional report migration 2022

    State of Migration Governance in 21 countries of the Horn of Africa and Sahel and Lake Chad 

    Countries covered: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, The Gambia and Uganda


  • Sahel and Lake Chad monitoring and learning system

For more information, consult the monitoring and learning system for the EUTF Sahel and Lake Chad region.



North of Africa
  • Monitoring Reports

To consult North of Africa's monitoring report prior 2021, please consult our library page

  1. 2024 monitoring report

    2024 Monitoring report of the EUTF in North Africa

    Full Report

  2. 2023 rapport de suivi

    2023 Rapport de suivi du FFUE en Afrique du Nord (version française)

    Full Report

  3. 2023 monitoring report

    2023 Monitoring report of the EUTF in North Africa

    Full Report

  4. 2022 monitoring report

    2022 Monitoring report of the EUTF in North Africa

    Full Report

  5. 2021 monitoring report

    2021 Monitoring report of the EUTF in North Africa

    Full Report

  • North of Africa monitoring and learning system

For more information, consult the monitoring and learning system for the EUTF North of Africa region.


At the level of the EUTF for Africa

EUTF for Africa

The European Commission produced a mid-term review report of the EUTF for Africa, to identify key lessons and provide recommendations that will inform future choices concerning EU strategic approaches to: (i) support all aspects of stability; (ii) contribute to better migration management; and (iii) address root causes of instability, forced displacement and irregular migration.

EUTF for Africa mid-term review:

Final Report  Summary  Annexes

Responses of the Services (Dec 2020) 

Responses of the Services - Follow-up (May 2023)

The Learning Lessons from the EUTF exercise was initiated at the end of June 2019 as an informal reflection on what could be learned from the implementation of the EUTF on the topic of migration and forced displacement. The second phase of the Learning Lessons from the EUTF exercise, which lasted from June 2020 to February 2021 pursued the following objectives: pave the way for a post-2020 strategy on migration, mobility and forced displacement; update the EUTF portfolio assessment and contextual data; further analyse the eight thematic areas identified and deliver an updated Learning Lessons from the EUTF report to support future programming.

Learning Lessons from the EUTF:

Full Report Executive Summary

To measure the collective achievements of our programmes, we have developed an EUTF Results Framework, constructed around our four strategic priorities. Each priority area is broken down into expected results and each result is measured by a set of indicators. EUTF Results Framework common macro indicators are necessary to measure progress against these objectives. A list of common output indicators has been established List of revised indicators - EN

French translation here:

FR translation

All projects report on these indicators where relevant in order to aggregate results at country, regional, and EUTF level. They are reflected on the website with results collected for all programmes on the basis of information provided by implementing partners. The Results Framework allows us to measure the collective achievements of the EUTF for Africa as a whole. For a more comprehensive view of the outcomes and impact of our programmes in the long term, we will continue to revert to the monitoring and evaluation processes outlined above.

To go further, please read our vulgarisation notes on the work and progress that had been done so far in terms of monitoring outcomes and high level indicator.

Risk Register

In February 2019, the three windows elaborated a common EUTF for Africa Risk Register