Since 2017, a Monitoring and Learning System for the North of Africa window is in place, aiming to foster a results-based monitoring and reporting of EUTF interventions in the region. The first phase – known as Monitoring and Evaluation System in the North of Africa window (MENOA) – was implemented until September 2021 by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). During that period, an overall intervention logic for the EUTF - NoA and the corresponding results matrices for its strategic objectives were developed, and MENOA supported the alignment of all interventions’ logical framework matrices with those instruments. Based on those elements, MENOA delivered several monitoring reports.
In December 2021, the InProvE Consortium took over the Monitoring and Learning System for the North of Africa window to update and reinforce the previous MENOA system in line with the evolving context and emerging information needs of EUTF stakeholders. Based on the experiences and lessons learned from the previous phase, the new system – now called NoA Monitoring and Learning System (NoA MLS) – is being implemented around for interlinked components:
The backbone of the current system is the NoA Result Reporting Framework, which aims to organise the collection, aggregation, and reporting of results data from all EUTF interventions in the North of Africa region. It is based on three intertwined levels: the NoA Overall Objective, the four NoA Strategic Priorities, several areas of action, and the 38 EUTF common output indicators. This framework is operational since mid-2022, allowing for the necessary level of harmonisation with the EUTF Africa Results Framework and the Global Europe Results Framework.
Another key feature of the NoA MLS has been the development of an online platform called NOASYS, which replaces the previous data collection tools used by MENOA. The launching of NOASYS was completed in the first semester of 2022, allowing for the encoding of 81 NoA interventions’ logical framework matrixes – including more than 1,000 indicators with their corresponding baseline, current and target values – and the matching and aggregation processes of NoA interventions’ outputs with the EUTF and the Global Europe common indicators.
The new NoA MLS delivered its first report in December 2022, presenting cumulative results from 2017 until the 31st of July 2022 for the North of Africa region. This first annual report focuses mainly on results at outputs level, while data at outcomes level will be addressed and presented in the following reporting cycles (2023 onwards), in close coordination with the other two EUTF windows. Once outcomes at NoA level are clearly identified, a series of case studies will be developed and shared with the EUTF stakeholders with the objective of learning lessons and identifying good practices for future programming cycles.