How do we work? - European Union
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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

How do we work?

How do we work?

Identification and formulation

We are committed to developing actions from the ground up, taking a bottom-up approach. Our EU Delegations therefore play a key role in the identification and formulation of EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF for Africa) programmes, consulting widely to ensure strong partnerships with local stakeholders are formed during this process. Our Delegations coordinate dialogues with stakeholders in each country, such as national and local authorities and civil society organisations (CSOs), and representatives of EU Member States' development cooperation agencies.

Following dialogues on the ground and having ensured local ownership of the programmes identified, programme proposals are jointly formulated by the EUTF for Africa teams based at the European Commission Headquarters and EU Delegations. For multi-country or regional programmes, Trust Fund Managers and their teams lead the identification and formulation of proposals, in collaboration with the relevant EU Delegations and local stakeholders.

Once the programme proposals are identified and formulated, the Managers submit them to the Operational Committee for approval.

Since 1 January 2022, the EUTF for Africa is not funding new programmes. Ongoing programmes will continue being implemented until 31 December 2025.

How are programmes identified and formulated?


Activities funded under the EUTF for Africa are implemented by a range of partners, including EU Member States' authorities or development and technical cooperation agencies, civil society organisations (CSOs), international or UN organisations, and private sector entities.

EUTF for Africa Managers focus on implementation modalities that ensure a swift and flexible delivery of results, impact and cost effectiveness. These are delegated cooperation, calls for expression of interest, calls for proposals or direct awards in specific situations. In order to strengthen coordination and collaboration, the EUTF for Africa places particular emphasis on programmes implemented by a consortium of implementing partners.

An overview of programmes implemented under each region of the EUTF for Africa is available:

Sahel and Lake Chad Horn of Africa North of Africa

Distribution of funding by implementer: 


The EUTF for Africa operates in complementarity with national and regional frameworks, other EU instruments, the bilateral cooperation of Member States, and instruments of other development partners. The programmes identified under the EUTF for Africa shall feed into the future and ongoing joint programming of Commission services, EEAS, Member States, and recipient countries.