State of Play and Financial resources - European Union
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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

State of Play and Financial resources

Resources currently allocated to the EU Trust Fund for Africa amount to EUR 5.0 billion including EUR 4.4 billion from the European Development Fund (EDF) and EU financial instruments including DCI, ENI, HOME and ECHO funding. EU Member States and other donors (Norway, Switzerland and UK) have contributed and fully paid around EUR 623 million.

EU MS and other donors contribution (pledges and received contributions)  
EU MS and other donors contributions Pledged 623,158,002 €
EU MS and other donors contributions Received 623,158,002 €
EU contributions pledged 4,438,598,647 €
Co-financing contributions 199,398,382 €

State of Implementation

As of 1 October 2023, 248 programmes have been approved by the Operational Committees, including 4 cross-window programmes, for a total amount of EUR 4 935.1 million, divided as follows:

Note: Since 1 January 2022, the EUTF for Africa is not financing any new programmes. The ongoing programmes will continue being implemented up to 31 December 2025.

* Figures have been rounded and may not exactly add up to the totals indicated.

** Includes 6 cross-window contracts for EUR 0.8 million