Research and Evidence - European Union
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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

Research and Evidence

Research and evidence facility

The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF for Africa) addresses situations that are constantly evolving. Our work therefore needs to react and adapt to suit new and unforeseen realities: for example, where migration patterns and flow along existing and new routes, unexpected situations of forced displacement occur, trafficking and smuggling networks exploit changing circumstances, or seasons and changes in climate affect food security.

For this, we rely on research facilities, mobilising the best available research partners to enhance our knowledge and understanding of the complex root causes, drivers and underlying factors of instability, insecurity, irregular migration and forced displacement.

A research and evidence facility for the Horn of Africa region managed by a consortium led by SOAS University of London has produced a number of research studies, analyses and working papers to directly inform the policy and operational approach in the region.

A research facility for the Sahel and Lake Chad and the North of Africa regions is also contributing to the identification and dissemination of the most effective policies and approaches to equip the EUTF for Africa with the broadest possible evidence-base.

All research conducted is underpinned by a strong Monitoring and Evaluation framework.