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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa


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News (734)

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GrEEn Project supports Fintechs in Ghana
  • News article

The fintech space in Ghana has undergone significant growth and evolution in the last few years with entrants spanning the business, telecommunication, agriculture, health and financial services sectors among others.

  • 1 min read
Region and Country
  • Ghana
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • United Nations Capital Development Fund
  • SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, Ghana
Ethiopia is a source and  transit hub for migrants traveling to the Gulf region, South Africa and Europe, in search of better livelihoods, escape from persecution or both
  • News article

‘Improved coordination between public agencies and service providers is crucial for the protection of trafficked persons and vulnerable migrants in Amhara Regional State,’ explains Getasew Mengie, Director of the Human Power Research and Employment Service Directorate at the Amhara Bureau of Labour...

  • 3 min read
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Ethiopia
  • Improved migration management
  • GIZ
PDU_3ème AG de l’Alliance Sahel
  • News article

Madrid, 4 avril 2022 – Les représentants de l’Alliance et de ses partenaires se sont réunis à Madrid le 4 avril 2022, sous la présidence du Ministre espagnol des Affaires Etrangères, de l’Union européenne et de la Coopération, à l’occasion de la 3e Assemblée générale de l’Alliance Sahel.

  • 8 min read
Region and Country
  • Tchad
  • Mali
  • Mauritanie
  • Burkina Faso
  • Niger
  • Strengthening resilience of communities
  • Agence Française de Développement
  • GIZ
  • Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency
  • Centre pour le dialogue humanitaire - HD
With support from the EUTF funded RISE project, Julius Kenyi and Samuel Roba were trained in Carpentry and Joinery at Bellameling Vocational Institute
  • News article

Savior Anyovu, 22 years old, was a porter at local construction sites.

  • 1 min read
Region and Country
  • Regional
  • Horn of Africa
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • GIZ
  • News article

L’école primaire “Ain Zrig” à Gabes est un modèle d’intégration des élèves réfugiés dans l’éducation primaire.

  • 5 min read