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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

Education Quality Improvement Programme 2 (EQUIP 2)

The action will enhance the ability of children and other groups living in vulnerable situations to lead socially and economically productive lives. In doing so their resilience will be strengthened, as well as that of their communities. Hence, the action will contribute to creating better living conditions, enhancing social cohesion, and reducing the risk of these populations to fall into negative coping mechanisms.

In alignment with Sudan’s Education Sector Strategic Plan (2017-2023), the Education Improvement Programme 2 (EQUIP 2) will contribute to fulfill the right to education, ensure the improvement of learning outcomes and the increased completion rates in quality primary education of children in Sudan, with particular attention to groups living in vulnerable situations, including migrants, IDPs and refugees, especially girls, through the improvement of equitable access to quality primary education.

In November 2021, the Fund adopted a €4,9 million top-up to the action to ensure that Sudanese children continue to have access to quality education. As there cannot be any learning without well-trained and motivated teachers, the additional funds will allow the extension of the component on teachers training to the entire country. 10 000 students teachers, 400 faculty of education trainers, 108 supervisors and 54 headmasters’ trainers will now benefit from EQUIP2 activities. The increased funding shows the commitment of the EU to Sudan: while the EU strongly condemns the recent military coup, it is determined to continue its support for projects like this one that are solely for the benefit of the Sudanese people. The EU stands ready to protect Sudanese children’s right to education.

Main objectives

The overall objective (expected impact) of this action is: to fulfill the right to education and improve basic education sector in Sudan, with particular attention to the groups living in vulnerable situations, including migrants, IDPs and refugees, especially girls.

The specific objectives (expected outcomes) of this action are the following: (SO1) Develop conducive and inclusive learning environments in formal and non-formal settings; (SO2) Enhance basic-school teachers’ qualification in Sudan; (SO3) Improve Education system governance and coordination among stakeholders.



Save the Children Sweden

EUR 6 600 000

 EU Quality Learning Environment for Access and Retention (EQUIP –EU QLEAR)


Expertise France

EUR 9 000 000

EU support for basic school teachers’ qualification in Sudan



EUR 4 099 875

EU Education system governance and coordination EQUIP 2

Action Fiche

  • 2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • Strengthening resilience of communities
  • Agence Française d'Expertise Technique Internationale
  • Save the Children

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