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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

EU OPM Sudan – Support to the Office of the Prime Minister

After three decades of authoritarian regime, Sudan has embarked on a difficult political transition. On the basis of the Constitutional Agreement reached in Khartoum (17 August 2019), the country is now led by a civilian-led Government. Within it, there are 16 civilians – including the Prime Minister – and two military. The transition represents a critical opportunity to meet the legitimate aspirations of the Sudanese population for a more peaceful, prosperous and inclusive country. The EU is firmly committed to back the transition politically and economically. This support is expected to contribute to the stabilisation of the country and its inclusive development, thereby addressing the root-causes of migration. The overall objective of this project is, therefore, to contribute to the democratic transition in Sudan.

Main objectives

The overall objective of this project to contribute to the democratic transition in Sudan by reinforcing the Prime Minister’s Executive Office (PMEO) – and if requested relevant line ministries – in order to achieve the top priorities of peace, economic recovery, transition to civilian democracy and inclusive, accountable and responsive governance systems set by the government.

The EU will support the PMEO and other core government structures with crucial resources in terms of policy advice and capacity building and equipment. The EU intends for this support to be flexible in order to provide the Government of Sudan (GoS) with the necessary resources to respond to upcoming challenges.



EUR 6 900 000

Support to the Centre of Government

Action Fiche

  • 2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Improved governance and conflict prevention

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