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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

Monitoring and Learning System for the EUTF Sahel and Lake Chad

The Monitoring and Learning System (MLS) will measure the overall progress of projects implemented under the Sahel and Lake Chad window of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) against its key strategic objectives and regional priorities. It will also describe if and how the projects confirm the various theories of change which were assumed when designing the EUTF SLC approach, thus also identifying gaps in the activities/results/outcome chains which need to be addressed if the change is to effectively happen. It will assess how the approach adopted by the EUTF in delivering programmes fulfils other success criteria, and allow stakeholders to learn collectively from its results – both positive and negative. Finally, in order not to lose sight of the overall impact to which the EUTF interventions should contribute, it will design and pilot a system to keep track of selected key development; migration and stability indicators at national and/or regional level. This action thus contributes to the four objectives of the EUTF by directly supporting the implementation and the monitoring and evaluation of already approved and future individual projects, as well as informing the design of future projects.

Main objectives

The overall objective of the programme is to use an evidence-based approach for programming and implementing interventions in the Sahel and Lake Chad region, as well as to inform policy around the themes of the EUTF in the region.

The specific objectives are as follows:

Specific Objective 1: to establish and implement a Monitoring and Learning System which monitors and reports on the overall progress of the EUTF Sahel and Lake Chad window against EUTF strategic objectives, Sahel and Lake Chad policy priorities and EUTF principles of interventions.

Specific Objective 2: to develop and implement a learning strategy based on detailed investigations into how and why individual projects or groups of projects are performing or not, and whether and how they confirm the theories of change underpinning the EUTF approach, in order to improve their delivery and also the design of future projects.

Specific Objective 3: to design and pilot a system of context-level indicators of movement, vulnerability, stability and crises management capacity at the national and regional level against which to realistically frame the EUTF (and other similar EU) interventions; inform future EU programming and policy making; and ultimately track the joint impact of the EUTF SLC projects at the regional level through a top-down approach.


Altai Consulting

EUR 7 166 950

Monitoring and Learning System for the EUTF Sahel and Lake Chad

Action Fiche

  • 2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • Sahel & Lake Chad
  • Regional Sahel and Lake
  • Other
  • Altai Consulting

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