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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

PROTECT – Protection of Persons of Concern (PoC) and vulnerable migrants along migratory routes in Sudan

The aim of this action is to contribute to improve the management of mixed migration flows in Sudan by improving the protection of Persons of Concern and other vulnerable migrants along the Northern migration route.

Main objectives

The overall objective is to contribute to improved migration management in Sudan. The specific objective is to improve the protection of Persons of Concern and other vulnerable migrants along the Northern migratory route in Sudan.The action will have two related focuses:
1) provision of safe and adequate shelter as well as psychosocial support, medical aid, food and non-food items and legal aid;
2) training law enforcement and judiciary authorities in migrants' protection, assistance and in the referral system between the States and Khartoum.


Danish Red Cross

EUR 3 831 276

Protection of persons of concern and vulnerable migrants


International Organization for Migration

EUR 800 000

Protection of persons of concern and vulnerable migrants - IOM

Action Fiche

  • 2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Improved migration management
  • Danish Red Cross
  • International Organization for Migration

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