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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

RESTORE - Building Resilience in Northern Somalia

To contribute to addressing the adverse effects of el Niño on the resilience of already vulnerable communities of Northern Somalia, and reduce the effects of forced displacement and irregular migration in the region.

In May 2018, the EUTF contribution to RESTORE was increased by €2 million.

In December 2021, this action received a top-up of €3 million. This contribution will further support the risk mitigation of conflicts within Bosasso over access to scarce water resources for vulnerable groups at IDP sites, and expand the project’s coverage from 19 to 60 percent of the Bosasso population in having improved access to clean and affordable drinking water.

Main objectives

  • Contribute to enhancing Somali institutional stakeholders' capacity to effectively coordinate, programme, manage and monitor resilience interventions.
  • Improve access to drinkable, affordable and adequate water service delivery in Bosasso.
  • Sustainably improve food security and livelihoods, and build resilience through effective safety nets, among vulnerable households and their communities.


Norwegian Refugee Council

EUR 4 000 000

RESTORE - Building Resilience in Northern Somalia


Terre Solidali 

EUR 5 000 000

RESTORE - Building Resilience in Northern Somalia


Terre Solidali 

EUR 2 800 000

RESTORE - Building Resilience in Northern Somalia - phase II

Action Fiche

2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • Strengthening resilience of communities
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
  • Terre Solidali

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