- Region and Country
- North of Africa
The Trust Fund in Libya is building on the strategic lines set out in the Joint Communication 'Managing flows, saving lives' and the Malta Declaration to foster and support a migration management and asylum system in Libya that is consistent with the main international standards and human rights. In this respect, and given the dire situation in which migrants and displaced populations are stranded in Libya, the EUTF for Africa pays particular attention to protection and assistance to migrants and their host communities in the country in order to increase their resilience. It also provides, as essential life-saving measures, voluntary humanitarian repatriation for migrants and humanitarian evacuations for people in need for international protection. Finally, the EUTF for Africa supports the national authorities to foster their capacity to counter migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings and a more efficient integrated border management.
Check out the following factsheet to learn more about the EU support on migration in Libya: the EUTF Libya factsheet
Check out the following factsheet to learn more about the EUTF's response to COVID-19 in Libya: The EUTF Libya COVID-19 factsheet
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National programmes
The specific objectives are to: 1) improve reception of migrants upon disembarkation; 2) ensure minimum decent living standards in targeted detention centres; 3) improve and scale up voluntary humanitarian return (VHF) and reintegration; 4) strengthen migration data and communication on migration...
The specific objectives of the programme are to: 1) improve access of refugees, migrants, asylum seekers, IDPs and host communities to basic services including protection9, health and psychosocial support, which enables them become more resilient and allows moving towards durable solutions; and 2)..
The proposed action responds to the effects of the ongoing instability and difficult socioeconomic conditions of migrants, refugees and host communities in Libya. It aims to respond to current concerns with regards to protection of vulnerable populations in Libya, especially migrants and refugees...
The specific objectives of the project are: 1) to enhance operational capacity of the competent Libyan authorities in maritime surveillance, tackling irregular border crossings, including the strengthening of SAR operations and related coast guard tasks; 2) to set up basic facilities in order to...
This new programme will support the capacities of local public authorities and administrations in providing basic services – health, education, water and sanitation as well as social services – while improving timely and quality access to these services, in particular for the most vulnerable people.
The overall objective of this programme is to reinforce protection, assistance and resilience of migrants and host communities (including Internally Displaced Persons and returnees) in Libya while supporting improved capacities for migration management along the migration routes in the country.
The Overall Objective of the programme is to develop the overall capacity of the relevant Libyan authorities and strengthen institutional reform in the areas of land and sea border control and surveillance; addressing smuggling and trafficking of human beings; Search & Rescue at sea (SAR);...
The overall objective of this Action is to strengthen protection and resilience of vulnerable migrants and migrants at risk, refugees and host communities (including Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and returnees) in Libya, while supporting efforts to improve migration management along the...
The Overall Objective is to improve the living conditions and resilience of vulnerable populations (including migrants, refugees, IDPs, returnees and host communities), in particular in the municipalities most affected by migratory flows and/or damaged by the conflict.
In line with the EUTF-NoA priorities, the Overall Objective of this action is to contribute to the community stabilization efforts in Libya through improving local governance in the framework of the implementation of the decentralization policy, and an improved access for vulnerable children...
The overall objective of the action is to save lives and improve the resilience of vulnerable migrants, migrants at risk, asylum seekers, refugees and host communities (including IDPs and returnees) in Libya and to increase social cohesion among these groups.
In order to generate more complete and coherent stabilization impacts, the proposed RSSD 2 programme will go beyond the prevailing service delivery scope of RSSD 1. The emphasis will lie on economic development at the local level (decent job creation, sustainability) while fostering social cohesion
This Action will be structured through three main outcomes, namely: i) Support to coordination mechanisms, detection and surveillance; ii) Preventive measures to decrease risks and support most vulnerable groups and iii) Public health response to the health crisis and humanitarian needs.
Regional programmes
Specific objectives: 1) Ensure sustainable systems/programmes are established and enhanced to effectively deliver inclusive services, support social cohesion, and address potential tensions between host and displaced communities; 2) provide members of migrant and host communities with greater...
The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to improved, rights-based migration governance at local level in cities of the 5 Countries of the North of Africa region and two cities from Middle East16, notably through partnership with cities in Europe, with a specific focus on...
The specific objectives are to: 1) implement a coherent, measurable and impact-oriented cooperation framework for the EUTF NOA;2) provide technical assistance on formulation of Actions, requiring ad hoc technical expertise, and strengthen the use of standard tools, in particular the Result...
The specific objectives are to improve protection and enable the assisted voluntary return of stranded migrants and migrants in transit in North Africa; to support targeted countries to enhance the sustainability of reintegration through an integrated approach addressing economic, social, and...
The overall objective will be achieved through: 1) enhanced detection and interception capacities of front-line officers and agencies at selected border crossing points and key hub cities along smuggling routes; 2) strengthened identification and investigation capacities of first responders...
The overall objective of this Action is to strengthen resilience of those in need (in line with Priority Action III and Strategic Objective III of the EUTF – NOA: To strengthen protection and resilience of those in need), including migrants, refugees, IDPs, returnees and host communities.
The overall objective (expected impact) of this action is: to contribute to the strengthening of migrant protection and sustainable reintegration systems in North Africa _(contributing to Strategic Objective 5 (“Mitigating vulnerabilities arising from irregular migration and to combat irregular.
The overall objective is to improve the protection and expand access to sustainable solutions for unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) and youth along the Central Mediterranean
The action aims to increase the effectiveness of the EUTF Africa North of Africa Window (EUTF-NOA) programmes in addressing the root causes of migration and forced displacement in West and North Africa.
Cross-window programmes
The specific objective is to conduct, synthesize, disseminate and make use of new and existing research on the drivers and dynamics of the root causes of instability, insecurity, irregular migration and forced displacement in West and North Africa and migration routes, and the most successful policy...
The overall objective is to increase the efficiency of the Trust Fund, through gender-and-rights-responsive technical assistance for the identification, formulation, evaluation, monitoring of and communication on trust fund interventions, including audits, evaluations/communication actions for this...
The overall objective of the Action is to contribute to strengthen the governance of migration in the region and provide protection and sustainable solutions for migrants and refugees along the Central Mediterranean route.
The overall objective of the action is to promote sustainable development and ultimately contribute to poverty reduction by increasing the availability of trained and qualified high-level professional manpower in West Africa and the Horn of Africa.
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