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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
Region and Country
  • North of Africa

13 programmes

The Trust Fund in Libya is building on the strategic lines set out in the Joint Communication 'Managing flows, saving lives' and the Malta Declaration to foster and support a migration management and asylum system in Libya that is consistent with the main international standards and human rights. In this respect, and given the dire situation in which migrants and displaced populations are stranded in Libya, the EUTF for Africa pays particular attention to protection and assistance to migrants and their host communities in the country in order to increase their resilience. It also provides, as essential life-saving measures, voluntary humanitarian repatriation for migrants and humanitarian evacuations for people in need for international protection. Finally, the EUTF for Africa supports the national authorities to foster their capacity to counter migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings and a more efficient integrated border management.

Check out the following factsheet to learn more about the EU support on migration in Libya: the EUTF Libya factsheet

Check out the following factsheet to learn more about the EUTF's response to COVID-19 in Libya: The EUTF Libya COVID-19 factsheet