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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

Mediterranean City-to-City Migration (MC2CM) – Phase II

The second phase of the regional programme Mediterranean City-to-City Migration pays tribute to the fact that it is mainly in cities that the challenges of social inclusion will unfold and where migrant integration will ultimately succeed - or fail. In this respect, the overall objective of this programme is to improve rights-based migration governance at local level in indicatively 13 cities of the North of Africa region and two cities from the Middle-East, notably through partnership and exchange of good practices with cities in Europe, with a specific focus on integration and inclusion of migrants.

The cities that are currently part of this network are: Amman, Beirut, Lisbon, Lyon, Madrid, Tangier, Turin, Tunis and Vienna. In this second phase, this could be extended to the following cities: Algiers and Oran, Sousse, Fès, Tripoli and Sabha in additiion to intermediary cities through established association of local authorities in Tunisia and Morocco.

Main objectives

The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to improved, rights-based migration governance at local level in cities of the 5 Countries of the North of Africa region and two cities from Middle East16, notably through partnership with cities in Europe, with a specific focus on integration and inclusion.

The specific objectives are:

Dialogue: 3.1.1. To improve mechanisms for multi-level governance on migration and migrant integration and inclusion in the 5 Countries of the North of Africa and enhance horizontal and vertical inter-institutional cooperation and coordination, facilitating holistic approaches to migrant inclusion

Knowledge: 3.1.2. To generate and disseminate knowledge about the local dimension of migrant integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region and within the Southern Neighbourhood, notably North of African Countries and Lebanon and Jordan

Action: 3.1.3. To reinforce the capacity of the targeted local authorities to address migrant integration and inclusion, including socio-economic opportunities for the wider population

Cross-cutting communications and dissemination: 3.1.4. To counter the negative perception of migration at the local level and promote a human-rights approach through targeted communications actions.

The action will contribute to the following objectives of the EUTF NoW M&E framework:

Strategic objective 1: To contribute to fostering rights-based migration governance-systems in the region
Specific objective 1.III. Cooperation between relevant stakeholders in the field of migration governance at local/ national/ regional/ international level is improved
1.I. Migration-related knowledge and data management in the field of migration governance is improved
1.II. Policy, legislative, institutional and regulatory frameworks in the field of migration governance are progressively established
1.V. A realistic and fair narrative on migration promoting intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity and mutual understanding is fostered



EUR 5 550 000

Mediterranean City-to-City Migration (MC2CM) – Phase II

Action Fiche

2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Regional North of Africa
  • Improved migration management

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