TOP-UP - Technical Cooperation Facility (TCF): Formulation of programmes, Implementation of the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and Research activities - European Union Skip to main content
Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

TOP-UP - Technical Cooperation Facility (TCF): Formulation of programmes, Implementation of the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and Research activities

The action aims to increase the effectiveness of the EUTF Africa North of Africa Window (EUTF-NOA) programmes in addressing the root causes of migration and forced displacement in West and North Africa. This will be achieved by ensuring that the EUTF-NOA decision-making is evidence based at all levels (from identification to formulation and implementation) through strong monitoring and research frameworks. By increasing the effectiveness of programmes funded under the EUTF-NOA, the Action will indirectly contribute to improve the migrant conditions in the North of Africa Countries.

The Action covers horizontally the five priority areas of intervention of the Valetta Action plan, notably a) Migration Governance b) Promote mutually-beneficial legal migration and mobility c) Ensuring protection for those in need, d) Tackle irregular migration, and support sustainable return and reintegration policies and e) Improve information and the protection of vulnerable migrants along the migratory route.

The Action has a regional coverage, comprising all five eligible countries under the EUTF-NOA.

The intervention logic is to provide specialised expertise. In particular, the security situation in Libya is extremely volatile and unpredictable, EU actors have only a restricted access. Hence special service contracts need to be put in place with experts having the capacity of access to provide the EUTF-NOA with eyes on the ground.



EUR 2 000 000

Libya’s Migration Technical Assistance Facility (LIBMITAF)

Action Fiche

  • 2 MARCH 2023
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Regional North of Africa

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