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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
Region and Country
  • Sahel & Lake Chad

7 programmes

In the Sahel and Lake Chad region, Nigeria is the first country of origin of irregular migration towards Europe. The country is currently faced with an important crisis in the North East States, prompting the displacement of about 2,2 million people.

Considering the fragile socioeconomic and food context in the country, the actions of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa mainly locate in the States of Yobe, Gombe, Borno and Adamawa and focus on promoting an approach linking relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD). This entails improving the access to basic services and enhancing livelihood and developing self-reliance opportunities for displaced people and host communities affected by the humanitarian situation.

In partnership with IOM, the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa also aims at strengthening the capacities of the national and local authorities regarding migration management, at assisting voluntary return of migrants on the migration route and at promoting awareness raising activities on the risks of irregular migration. A migrant resource centre as a local referral mechanism will be established in Edo State (Benin City).

The actions of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa supplements the other cooperation instruments of the European Union at stake in Nigeria.