Sahel and Lake Chad: EU Trust Fund for Africa has assisted over 2,868,181 people in having an improved access to basic services and more than 809,410 people have particip - European Union Skip to main content
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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • News article
  • 11 December 2019
  • 2 min read

Sahel and Lake Chad: EU Trust Fund for Africa has assisted over 2,868,181 people in having an improved access to basic services and more than 809,410 people have particip

Helen Bertom - Cameroun (SNV)

The third Monitoring and Learning System (MLS) report is now available, covering EU Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) results until 30 June 2019 in the Sahel and Lake Chad window and neighbouring countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal). This report shows the significant progress achieved under the four Strategic Objectives of the EUTF and provides valuable information by country, activities and beneficiaries.

Employment-related results are noteworthy, with more than 27,602 jobs created in the region up to June 2019. Most of the jobs created were in Cameroon (6,291), Niger (5,672), followed by Chad (3,844), Nigeria (3,646), Senegal (3,393) and Burkina Faso (3,036). Professional training and skills development boosted during the second quarter of 2019, with more than 51,200 individuals having benefited from such activities as of end of June 2019. Nearly 38% of these beneficiaries can be found in Senegal. A total of 5,711 MSMEs have been also created or supported with EUTF funding in nine countries of the Sahel and Lake Chad window. During the second quarter of this year, a better access to finance has actively contributed to these results.

Resilience activities have contributed to significant results as of mid-2019. A total of 777,482 basic social services have been delivered (86% health-related) and 42% of beneficiaries during the second quarter of 2019 were children. People that benefited from nutrition assistance exceeded 1.1 million and around half of the latter can be found in Burkina Faso. Food security assistance has also improved notably in Burkina Faso, with an increase of 54% during the second quarter of the year. Only Senegal registered a higher progress during the same period, with beneficiaries assisted with food-security activities increasing by 79%.

In the area of migration management, significant progress has been made during the second quarter of 2019. Nearly 146,956 additional migrants or potential migrants were reached by information campaigns on migration and risks linked to irregular migration, representing a 39% increase since the end of March. Up to June, 41,209 migrants had benefitted from voluntary return and 68,745 had benefitted from post arrival and reintegration assistance. Together, Nigeria and Mali account for a significant part of the post-arrival and reintegration assistance provided (46.5%) although several countries are also experiencing important increases during the second quarter, such as Chad (+28%) or Guinea Bissau (+15%). In Mauritania alone, 2,084 refugees were assisted to voluntary return to their home country between April and June 2019.

Significant figures are also observed under governance and conflict-prevention activities. While 809,410 people have participated in conflict prevention and peace building activities, more than 19,150 staff from relevant organisations have been trained on governance and conflict prevention. Overall, 75 cross-border cooperation initiatives have been supported by EUTF-funded projects, including 11 in Q2 2019 alone. Most initiatives are concentrated on the G5 Sahel countries.

As the Sahel and Lake Chad regions faces a number of pressing challenges such as extreme poverty, frequent food and nutrition crises, conflict, irregular migration and related crimes such as human trafficking and migrant smuggling, the EUTF team is striving to timely deliver quality results on the ground, answering the needs of the population in the most remote and neglected areas of the 12 countries covered by the EUTF in the Sahel and Lake Chad.

*Some figures provided in the previous MLS reports have been subject to revision. Figures hereby provided can be also subject to changes due to methodological modifications in data counting.

Sahel and Lake Chad : MLS report - Q2 2019.pdf


Publication date
11 December 2019
Region and Country
  • Sahel & Lake Chad
  • Altai Consulting

Programmes in the region