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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

EU-IOM Joint Initiative in North Africa - Top up to Voluntary Humanitarian Return and Reintegration Assistance

This new Action aims to provide an additional indicative number of 15,000 vulnerable or stranded migrants with voluntarily return assistance. The Action is expected to mainly support voluntary humanitarian returns from Libya to their country of origin. In line with the principles of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative, returning migrants should be provided with access to reintegration support in their countries of origin. For those returning to a country where there is no EU-IOM reintegration project in place, reintegration assistance will also be provided through this project. This represents an estimated percentage of 10% or more (i.e. 1,500 or more) of the number of migrants assisted to return. This Action comes as a top up to the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in North Africa and will be implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), under which it is expected that the targeted caseload for voluntary return assistance will be exhausted by the end of 2019 or early 2020 if the current pace of voluntary returns is sustained. Reintegration assistance of migrants returning through this Action to countries in the other two windows of the EUTF (Sahel and Lake Chad and Horn of Africa) as soon as channelled through the Joint Initiative in these two regions if additional funding can be identified.

Main objectives

The overall objective (expected impact) of this action is: to contribute to the strengthening of migrant protection and sustainable reintegration systems in North Africa _(contributing to Strategic Objective 5 (“Mitigating vulnerabilities arising from irregular migration and to combat irregular migration”) and Strategic Objective 4 (“Fostering more inclusive social and economic environment and stability in the region”) of the EUTF North Africa window Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework)._

The specific objectives (expected outcomes) are the following:

(1) to improve protection and enable the voluntary return of stranded migrants and migrants in transit in North Africa (_contributing to the Specific Objective 5.VI (“Rights-based assisted voluntary return from transit and destination countries is ensured”) of the EUTF NOA window M&E Framework)_

(2) to support their sustainable reintegration in countries of origin (_contributing to the Specific Objective 4.V (“Sustainable, impartial and development-oriented reintegration mechanisms are progressively established, taking into account local contexts and existing complementary development cooperation”) of the EUTF NOA window M&E Framework). _

The expected outputs are the following:

Result 1.1: Stranded and vulnerable migrants in Libya are provided with voluntary humanitarian return assistance.

Result 2.1: Returning migrants are supported in their reintegration in selected countries of origin.


International Organization for Migration

EUR 24 000 000

EU-IOM Joint Initiative in North Africa - Top up to Voluntary Humanitarian Return and Reintegration Assistance

Region and Country
  • North of Africa
  • Regional North of Africa
  • Improved migration management
  • International Organization for Migration

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