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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
News article15 December 20201 min read

EUTF extended until 31 December 2021

€204.9 million to support stability, job creation and migrant management in the Horn of Africa
Guillem Trius

Based on the discussions held at the 7th Board Meeting on 29 September 2020, and further to the consultations with the Council and European Parliament, the Commission adopted the Decision to extend the mandate of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa on the 10th of December. This extension will be for a period of one year, until 31 December 2021.

It will allow for further contracts to be signed with implementing partners related to Action Documents approved in 2019/2020. It also provides the possibility to approve new programs in early 2021 and to process substantial riders and de-commitments that can be used for other actions.
This extension will enable the EUTF for Africa to continue addressing migration and forced displacement challenges and respond to the consequences of COVID-19 in partner countries.


Publication date
15 December 2020
Region and Country
  • Cross-window
  • Other

Programmes in the region

The overall objective is to increase the efficiency of the Trust Fund, through gender-and-rights-responsive technical assistance for the identification, formulation, evaluation, monitoring of and communication on trust fund interventions, including audits, evaluations/communication actions for this...

The overall objective of the action is to promote sustainable development and ultimately contribute to poverty reduction by increasing the availability of trained and qualified high-level professional manpower in West Africa and the Horn of Africa.