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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

Improving Nutrition and Reducing Stunting in Eastern Sudan

Improving Nutrition and Reducing Stunting in Eastern Sudan through an Integrated Nutrition and Food Security Approach

Main objectives

The action aims to enhance the ability of women and children in the States of Red Sea, Kassala and Gedaref to lead socially and economically productive lives, and in doing so strengthen their resilience and that of their communities.

An addendum to the action was approved in July 2021, that increased the budget to €18 million, bringing the total amount drawn from the Trust Fund to €26 million. This will cover additional activities to treat acute malnutrition among moderate acutely malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women (PLW). Activities will include the provision of: 1) specialized food to these groups for the prevention of malnutrition; 2) micronutrient supplementation to vulnerable children under 5 and PLW to prevent micronutrient deficiencies; 3) income and community assets; and 4) improve nutritional quality of school meals through diversification of meals with locally procured food. Other activities proposed include the mobilization and Social Behaviour Change Communication that shall also touch nutrition, health and hygiene messaging, as well as a pilot home-grown school feeding programme (HGSFP), and post-harvest losses equipment.


World Food Programme

EUR 26 000 000

Improving Nutrition and Reducing Stunting in Eastern Sudan through an Integrated Nutrition and Food Security Approach

Action Fiche

25 MAY 2023
T05-EUTF-HOA-SD-32 - Improving nutrition in Eastern Sudan - Action Document


Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Strengthening resilience of communities
  • World Food Programme

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