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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

Job Creation and Trade Development for South Sudan

This action takes a further step in EU support to the South Sudan rural development, building on grounds laid through SORUDEV, ZEAT-BEAD and EUTF relevant programmes. The focus here is on promoting economically viable activities that will allow people to capitalise the peace dividends.

South Sudan does not have access to programmable bilateral resources from the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) as it is not amongst the signatories of the Cotonou Agreement, and hence there is reliance on other sources of funding, such as the EUTF Africa. The EUTF funds allocated to South Sudan aligns with the EUTF strategic objectives, and this action addresses one of the key priorities set for the EUTF Horn of Africa window by the EUTF Strategic Board in April 2018: essential stabilisation in South Sudan, the lack of which is a root cause for displacement and irregular migration.

The project is in line with the priorities of the Government as elaborated in the South Sudan National Development Strategy 2018-2021, its Development Plan of 2011, as well as the Comprehensive Agriculture Master Plan (CAMP) 2016. It contributes to the implementation of priority actions and recommendations contained in these development plans and strategies.

Main objectives

The overall objective of this action is to improve the livelihoods of the targeted populations (with a special focus on youth and women) through jobs creation, better employment opportunities and income.

The specific objective is to develop the sector and enterprise competitiveness along selected value chains to improve the competitiveness of micro, small and medium- sized enterprises; and improve the capacity, employability and entrepreneurial opportunities for South Sudanese labour force (with a focus on youth and women).

Action Fiche

General publications3 July 2024
Action Document
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Greater economic and employment opportunities
  • ITC - International Trade Center

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