The ARCHIPELAGO Programme funds private sector initiatives that contribute to facilitate access to the labour market for young people through improved employability and vocational education and training. The First Call for Proposals provides grant funding of EUR 400.000 to EUR 600.000 for partnership projects to be implemented in the following countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal. The grant covers 100% of the total eligible costs of the action. See call instructions
Who do we fund?
Consortia of at least two partners: one from one of the African countries covered by the call for proposals and the other from one of the Member States of the European Union. Applicants shall be legal and non-profit entities. Applicants will be business support organizations, public and private training centres and community-based organizations, with experience of involvement in actions related to vocational training and business development services.
What do we fund?
Projects which contribute to better match the offer (skills available on the market) to the demand of labour (generated by the local private sector and productive economic growth) and aligned with the following four priorities:
- Private Sector and youth are aware of the chances offered by TVET in order to better match the offer of labour to the market needs
- Youth is trained and has skills according to private sector needs and identified economic potentials and value chains
- Local economic development and entrepreneurship is enhanced
- Performance and service provision of Business Support Organisations (BSOs) and entrepreneurship & vocational training centres in the Sahel region and Lake Chad are improved.
DEADLINE FOR SUMISSION OF PROPOSALS: 23 June 2019 extended to 29/07/2019
For more information, please visit ARCHIPELAGO website
- Publication date
- 24 April 2019
- Region and Country
- Ghana
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Senegal
- Tchad
- Mali
- Mauritanie
- Burkina Faso
- Cameroun
- Thematic
- Greater economic and employment opportunities
- Partner
- Conférence Permanente des Chambres Consulaires Africaines et Francophones
- SEQUA gGmbH Partner of German Business
- The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry