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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • News article
  • 19 December 2019
  • 2 min read

New results published: EUTF Horn of Africa has created more than 27,000 jobs


Since the start of its implementation, the Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) has also assisted over 147,000 people in developing income-generating activities.
These are some of the main results of the sixth Monitoring and Learning System (MLS) report of the EUTF Horn of Africa, providing information on the results achieved from start of activities until end June 2019 and giving an overview of the EUTF's response to the challenges of the Horn of Africa region when it comes to irregular migration, forced displacement, and instability. Together with the MLS case studies, it allows to identify opportunities, best practices, and innovative approaches to improve the programming and implementation of projects.

Greater economic and employment opportunities
So far, more than 27,000 jobs were created across the region – 10,000 in the first half of 2019 alone. Since 2015, over 147,000 people were assisted in developing income-generating activities and 23,000 people benefitted from professional training (TVET) and/or skills development. In Kenya, the Kalobeyei Development Programme has supported more than 44,000 people, most of which are members of the local host community, to increase their household income. In Kalobeyei, the EU works with UN partners to ensure that refugees and the host communities live together peacefully, have access to social services and develop economic ties to build sustainable livelihoods. More than 2,000 people in this settlement, mainly refugees, have received professional training (TVET).

Strengthening resilience of communities and in particular the most vulnerable including refugees and other displaced people
The EUTF continued to help strengthen the resilience of the most vulnerable communities, including refugees and other displaced people’. More than 3.2 million basic services, such as healthcare, education, legal aid and access to energy, have been delivered to vulnerable populations in the Horn of Africa region. 91% of these were health related services. Across the region, over 4 million people now have better access to basic services, 2 million of these in Ethiopia alone. Here, the Reset II programme helps vulnerable communities improve their livelihoods, by providing, for example, seeds and loans for agricultural machinery, vaccination for livestock, among other things.

Improved migration management in countries of origin, transit and destination

Over 1,500 voluntary returns or humanitarian repatriations were supported in the first half of this year alone, bringing the total number close to 17,000. So far, more than 124,000 migrants or potential migrants were reached by information campaigns on migration and risks linked to irregular migration. Over 11,000 people have been trained in the field of migration management. Since 2015, 30,300 returning migrants benefitted from reintegration assistance, in the form of immediate assistance on arrival, psychosocial support, skills training, education or medical assistance.

Improved governance and conflict prevention and reduction of forced displacement and irregular migration
642 institutions and 15,000 staff received capacity building training on security, border management and conflict prevention since the start of the EUTF's implementation. Moreover, 48,000 people participated in conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities implemented through the EUTF in the Horn of Africa region, 10,000 in the first of half of 2019 alone.

You can find the 6th Quarterly Report of the MLS here.


Publication date
19 December 2019
Region and Country
  • Horn of Africa
  • Other

Programmes in the region

The action aims to enhance the ability of women and children in the States of Red Sea, Kassala and Gedaref to lead socially and economically productive lives, and in doing so strengthen their resilience and that of their communities.