Policy approach in the North of Africa - European Union
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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

Policy approach in the North of Africa

Our policy approach in the North of Africa is based on four strategic themes:

In compliance with the EUTF Strategic Orientation Document, the North of Africa (NoA) window concentrates on the third objective of the Trust Fund: “Improved migration management in countries of origin, transit and destination”. Guided by this overall objective, the EUTF in the NoA region addresses four Strategic Priorities defined by the EUTF Board in 2018. Each Strategic Priority is comprised of a series of Areas of Action to which all interventions in the NoA region contribute towards.

1. Protection of Vulnerable Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees and Community Stabilization

North Africa is an area of destination and transit for an increasing number of mixed migrants looking for better economic and social opportunities, as well as fleeing from persecution and conflict in their countries of origin. Among those who travel to North Africa to reach Europe and fail in their effort, many remain stranded in the region, where they often lack long-term security and protection and are precluded from the formal local labour market. The EUTF in the NoA region aims to provide access to basic social services and legal services for refugees/asylum-seekers, IDPs, returnees and migrants. Likewise, it contributes to developing human and institutional capacities and strengthening the policy framework on protection, conflict prevention, human rights, and service delivery, while promoting social cohesion. Migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and IDPs, next to host communities and other vulnerable people, are supported through income generating activities and employment opportunities. The EUTF in the NoA region also assists with evacuation, resettlement, and voluntary humanitarian return of vulnerable and stranded migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

2. Support to Integrated Border Management

Refugees and migrants on the move towards North African countries and Europe follow three main routes: the Central Mediterranean, the Western Mediterranean and the Western African/Atlantic. These routes are relatively dynamic, with their relative importance and trends shifting from year to year in response to policy developments and broader contextual factors. Mixed migrants face a variety of journey-related risks in terms of protection and human rights violations, which shape their vulnerability status. They also face high risks of being exploited by smugglers and abused across and in the countries they pass through, with children and women being the most vulnerable groups. The EUTF in the NoA region supports partner countries with capacity, institutional and policy development on international and human rights-based border management. Likewise, it supports the prevention of irregular migration and smuggling of migrants, and the protection of victims of trafficking in human beings.

3. Support to Labour Migration

The North African region faces many economic challenges, including those related to high population rates, rising unemployment and limited prospects for young people. Emigration driven by economic factors and the search for employment – particularly to and in Europe –, continues to shape the regional landscape. At the same time, North Africa has historically been and remains a significant destination for long-term migrant workers (and their family members) seeking better livelihoods through economic opportunities. The EUTF in the NoA region supports capacity, institutional and policy development on labour migration governance in partner countries and the development of international cooperation mechanisms, including legal mobility schemes between EU member states and North of Africa partner countries. Job training, career counselling, information and orientation services are among the services developed for candidate labour migrants in the frame of the funded interventions.

4. Support to improved migration governance and assisted voluntary return and sustainable reintegration

The North of Africa region presents a heterogeneous migration landscape, which has evolved over time, having become nowadays a region of origin, transit, and destination for various profiles of migrants. Countries in North Africa are confronted with evolving challenges and opportunities associated with those flows of people and are increasingly called to improve migration governance and management. The EUTF in the NoA region contributes to strengthening institutions and national policy frameworks on migration and return migration governance, improving international cooperation mechanisms, and enhancing the availability of data on migration. It also supports the mobilisation, engagement, and voluntary return of diaspora members, facilitating their effective economic and social reintegration.